Yup, I miss him too. It’s easy to say that Rush made an impact on us all.

The failed experiment that sparked the freedom that we know and love..

Ladies and gentlemen, it’s that time of year again — the season when we gather around the table, express our gratitude, and celebrate one of the most cherished traditions in American history: Thanksgiving. But do you really know the story behind this holiday? Or have you been spoon-fed a revisionist version that strips it of its true meaning?


Today, as we honor the legacy of the late, great Rush Limbaugh, let’s dive into the real story of Thanksgiving, one Rush told us for years, and why it still matters today.


You see, the story of Thanksgiving isn’t just about Pilgrims and Native Americans sharing a meal. It’s about something much deeper: the triumph of freedom, hard work, and the undeniable power of individual enterprise over the failures of collectivism. Rush often reminded us of this, cutting through the noise to reveal the core truths that others ignored or downplayed.

When the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock, they didn’t just encounter hardship; they faced a life-or-death struggle. After the tragic losses of their first winter, they set up a communal system where everyone shared equally in the fruits of their labor, regardless of their individual contributions. The result? Predictably, it failed. Productivity plummeted. Some worked hard; others didn’t. Why bother to go above and beyond when the reward was the same?



It wasn’t until the Pilgrims ditched this collectivist model that things began to turn around. Governor William Bradford implemented a system of private property, allowing families to keep the fruits of their own labor. And what happened?


The results were immediate and spectacular.


Suddenly, the fields were teeming with crops, and the Pilgrims were able to thrive. It was this shift — from collectivism to individual responsibility — that paved the way for that first Thanksgiving feast.

Rush used to say that this story was a microcosm of America itself: a nation founded on the principles of hard work, freedom, and the belief that individuals, not governments, are best equipped to chart their destinies.

In today’s world, this message is more relevant than ever.


As forces push for greater government control, higher taxes, and collectivist policies, we must remember the lessons of that first Thanksgiving. We must defend the ideals that have made America the most prosperous and generous nation on Earth.

This Thanksgiving, as you gather with loved ones, I encourage you to reflect on these principles. Celebrate not just the abundance on your table but also the freedom and opportunity that made it possible. And let’s tip our hats to Rush Limbaugh, a man who spent decades fighting to ensure these truths were never forgotten.

Thanksgiving is more than a meal; it’s a celebration of the American spirit.

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That’s the story we should be sharing — one of gratitude, resilience, and the enduring power of liberty.

So, to you and yours, have a Happy Thanksgiving. And as Rush always said, “Talent on loan from God.” Let’s keep his message alive.

Take a listen to a story you simply won’t hear anywhere else. HERE



Gulf Tee

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