COVID Comeback? Ian Smith, New Jersey gym owner who defied restrictions and stayed open amid millions of dollars in fines talks about how to stand up, fight back and win.

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[00:00:00] Justin: Welcome in with Ian Smith, the gym owner who refused to give up and, uh, Ian, I got to tell you, it’s funny watching the things that are happening right now. Weird timing of all this. I just had a conversation with somebody about this today and he’s. He’s a guy that, uh, he was just an average guy. He and his, uh, folks that, uh, got involved in the civics process, decided to run for County commissioner.

[00:00:44] Justin: They threw out the entire board started from scratch right now. They’re trying to throw out the. County health officer and uh, they’re going through a process on that right now, but I said, you know It’s funny because a week or two back this all of this stuff was people were kind of like why are [00:01:00] you still worried about?

[00:01:00] Justin: This why are you still doing all these things? but really now more than ever kind of really underscores As I’m looking at, uh, headlines on Drudge today that, uh, you know, the, the masks are coming back in China and we’ve got this thing. We don’t know what’s going to floating around over there and everybody’s freaking out.

[00:01:17] Justin: And, uh, of course I just, here we go again, does this just underscore to you what we’re, you know, what all we went through and why it mattered and, uh,

[00:01:30] Ian: where we are today. Yeah, you know, it’s um, it’s that’s something I hear quite a bit is it’s like, oh, well, why do you still care? It’s over and it’s you know, it’s Unfortunately, you know, we’re in terms of reclaiming our freedoms and reclaiming our sovereignty and reclaiming control of the out of control runaway train of a federal and state government That we [00:02:00]have, we are, uh, we are not out of the woods at all.

[00:02:04] Ian: Um, you know, there may be points where things go on, but you know, we should absolutely maintain, um. That ferocity of the fight that that we had to, um, during the, the height of COVID because, you know, we didn’t get to this position where we were so vulnerable, uh, to be ruled, um, in a tyrannical way by, by our bureaucracy overnight, um, that happened sort of inch by inch, uh, step by step, day by day, year by year, little by little, as these people sort of barrowed Into these positions of power and uh, just because they’re not bothering you at the moment Sorry Just because they’re not bothering you at the moment doesn’t mean that the problem has gone [00:03:00] away the problem still exists um And and it is absolutely critical that We we don’t just sort of maintain our perimeter, right?

[00:03:11] Ian: So that’s kind of what we did during covet is we were really able to You know, little by little, uh, people stood up and there was a perimeter where we said, you know, you will not cross this line, right. But, you know, now that the, the, the, the, the threat of COVID and shutdowns may not be, you know, right at the perimeter.

[00:03:30] Ian: That doesn’t mean that we, we just kick our feet up and relax. Um, and that’s, that’s a problem to have that mindset because when it comes back, it catches you on your back foot. Um, and that’s exactly what happened to us. I mean, COVID was the biggest example of, of being caught off guard, uh, that I could possibly think of in terms of people against their own government, um, at least when it comes to the, you know, the American population.

[00:03:58] Ian: So we’ve got to maintain [00:04:00] that war footing. Um, and even when things are quiet, we still have to be working to undo all these mechanisms that allowed this to happen in the first place. So, you know, every. Every town, county, and, and state in the country should be on war footing in terms of the people against, against their, their oppressive government, because the more that we can chip away at that, um, the less likely it is that these things will ever come back, um, or that if they do, Um, they won’t be able to do what they did during COVID.

[00:04:37] Ian: So, I mean, to, to sum up a very long point there, uh, we, and it’s, it’s, it’s vital that, that people recognize that in order to maintain their freedoms and to, to take this country back, that it requires a contribution every single day, um, something that I wrote about in my [00:05:00] book, and I talk about the two prices of freedom, you know, we’re all familiar with the.

[00:05:05] Ian: With the big price of freedom right violence and war and conflict and and you know and fighting for it um in the traditional term and that’s the really hard price that you have to pay and and Freedom in this country has been earned in that price many times and there are generations of men and women who have fought To uh to establish that freedom, but the other price to freedom is that we maintain it.

[00:05:29] Ian: Um It doesn’t You’re not free just because You’re free because you assert yourself to be free and that means that you have to contribute to that freedom every single day Um, and that means uh take part in your government whether it be support people Um who are running run yourself show up at meetings I mean These are all small prices to pay just paying attention is just is just one paying attention and speaking about it and and not [00:06:00] Not, not talking about politics because it’s uncomfortable.

[00:06:02] Ian: These are all small prices that we pay, but that’s the price we pay to maintain freedom forever. That never goes away. There will never be a point where you can just kick your feet up and be free. That’s not, that’s just not how freedom works. And I think that people are really starting to realize that that secondary price for freedom is just as important as, as.

[00:06:25] Ian: Um, if not more, because you know, if we lose it, it’s, it’s very hard to get back,

[00:06:31] Justin: you know, I, I, it’s funny because there was a, there was a viral video going around, as you mentioned, uh, this woman was complaining about, there we go, they’re coming to get us. There’s like a weather alarm going off in the background there.

[00:06:46] Justin: Um, she’s. She’s talking about how, um, you know, and it’s, it’s a serious, she’s like the Bidenflations, everything’s through the roof. And they, she says, makes all the, they make all this, they’re doing great. And I, [00:07:00] I feel for her. I know there’s a lot of people in that boat right now, but she said, look, I don’t want to get political.

[00:07:04] Justin: I thought to myself, I think that’s the problem.

[00:07:06] Ian: So that absolutely is,

[00:07:08] Justin: you know, we just sat on the sidelines and then, but you can’t, you know, you can’t ever do that. And that’s why we’re where we’re at and what we’ve gone through. Hopefully we’re at a point now where more people have, I don’t, we’re not quite, you know, not everybody’s there obviously, but you got to realize that that price of freedom.

[00:07:29] Justin: Is paid daily. There’s no It’s not like, okay, well somebody did something, you know, 100 years, 300 years ago, whatever it was, and then Everything’s fine now and then that no every day You are responsible for where you are where your family is going to be at You’ve got to fight these people are coming for us everything.

[00:07:48] Justin: They’re never going to

[00:07:49] Ian: stop No that I mean that video. Um, I I saw that as well um, and I I you know, I watched the whole thing and it was a you know, it’s sad to hear her say [00:08:00] that but at the same time like you just want to grab her and shake her and be like You, like, nobody’s coming to save you, you know, and, and that I think is, people get upset when, you know, I, I’ve been saying that for years, nobody’s coming to save you, and some people get it, and they understand what it means, a lot of people get offended by that.

[00:08:19] Ian: They’re like, oh, well, what am I, well, then what are we supposed to do? And it’s like, when, when I say nobody’s coming to save you, that shouldn’t, that shouldn’t strike fear in your heart, that should empower you, because that means that you’re in control of your life. Um, and that should, that should awaken the, the, the, the fire inside you to get up every day and to, to take part in your life.

[00:08:42] Ian: To not just be an innocent bystander in your own life. Um, you know, and that woman in that video, you know, she said it, she’s like, you know, I don’t want to get political. Um, and, and, but then she just wants somebody to come in and fix it, and it’s like, man, that’s, that’s not working, [00:09:00] you know, just showing up at the polls, uh, once every four and maybe once every two, because that’s, that’s what the majority of, that’s not even what the majority of people, because the majority of people don’t even do that, but.

[00:09:12] Ian: showing up once every four, maybe every two years, um, at the general election is not doing your, your civic duty. Your civic duty is to Is to be an active and engaged citizen so that by inflation doesn’t sneak up on you. And this isn’t like to say, this isn’t like a brag or anything, but you know, I saw this coming a long time ago and yeah, times are a little different for my family and I, but I, I, I saw this coming a long time ago and I took a lot of steps to make sure that, um.

[00:09:49] Ian: When prices went up, that my family was okay. Um, and there’s, and when you start adopting that mindset that nobody’s coming to save you, that you’re, that you’re [00:10:00] responsible for your own life and you’re responsible to take care of yourself and your family and your community, um, and your, your, you know, your county and your state and your, your country in that order, you start to see that.

[00:10:13] Ian: There are options that you’re not just helpless that you’re not just like, oh no Like I guess I just have to wait until 2024 so that I can vote trump back in Um, and then everything will be fine It’s like that’s that’s not a winning strategy. Um, and you can see the pain in that woman’s eyes because she genuinely She’s scared but being scared and then just throwing your hands up and saying somebody come fix my life is A losing strategy.

[00:10:47] Ian: And now, you know, if, if that person and, and, and people who feel like that were to adopt the idea that nobody’s coming to save them, they’re going to start seeing the playing field for what it is and their [00:11:00] options. And, and it’s not easy. You know, nobody’s saying it’s like, Oh, you just. Just take control of your life.

[00:11:05] Ian: But once you, it’s one of those things that once you start doing it, you realize how much more power and control you have, you know, I’m a perfect example of that. Um, you know, uh, before COVID and before the gym and the battle in New Jersey, you know, I wasn’t somebody who necessarily was in control of my life.

[00:11:26] Ian: Um, I was getting there, you know, but the majority of my life up until the age of 33, maybe, um, That was my mindset where it was like, I don’t have control over my, my own destiny that I’m just, you know, I’m just, uh, I’m just one of, you know, 300 million in this country. And what is my vote matter and all these sort of very defeatist mentalities.

[00:11:49] Ian: But, you know, when I stood up, um, alongside of my partner and alongside of my family and friends and my community at the gym, I realized how powerful I am, [00:12:00] you know, we, we made that choice and this is again, something I talk about in the book, you know. We made that’s very what felt like a very not a very small decision We said we’re not gonna we’re not gonna stay closed, right?

[00:12:15] Ian: You know But we were just one small business of tens of or hundreds of thousands of small businesses that were affected It didn’t feel that big it didn’t feel like it was going to change the world And I certainly didn’t do it to change the world. I did it because I knew in my heart that it was right Um, and that, that this was something I had to do to survive, you know, and I made that choice and we opened and we stayed opened and we fought and along the way I realized how impactful my choices are, you know, because it would have been easier to stakeholders that would have been easier to just open the back door.

[00:12:57] Ian: It would have been easier just to survive and wait it [00:13:00]out and take the funding, um, you know, and try to weather the storm.

[00:13:07] Ian: I would have not been in control of my life. I would have been at the whim of, of, of people who genuinely hate you. Um, and when I made that choice, it, it taught me the biggest lesson, uh, that I think I’ve ever learned, and it’s that you are, you, uh, meaning everybody, are more powerful, are more powerful than you could ever imagine, and every single one of your choices matters.

[00:13:34] Ian: Um, and, and if people start realizing that, If they start realizing that every single decision is the biggest decision of their life, they’re going to realize that they’re not the woman in that video, who is just hopeless. Um, that they are in control of their lives and that they have so much more influence on the world around them.

[00:13:55] Ian: Um, and thus they have a responsibility to act on that influence. [00:14:00] Hey, by

[00:14:01] Justin: the way, the book is called Find Your Hill and you can go to findyourhill. com. To grab that book. I know you’re coming to michigan too. So we should probably Mention if folks want to get to the event. It’s coming up in grand rapids, december 12th Thousands oak golf club.

[00:14:20] Justin: You’ll be speaking there. You’ll probably bring some of those books with it and uh folks I’m assuming can get one signed in the And uh shake your hand and say thanks

[00:14:30] Ian: for standing up Absolutely. Yeah, I’m, I’m really looking forward to it. Um, uh, Michigan is another one of those places that, uh, that, that really felt the, uh, the brunt of, of, of the COVID madness.

[00:14:43] Ian: Um, and there’s a lot of fighters in, in, in those places, um, in places like New Jersey and places like California and places like Michigan, New York. So i’m really looking forward to getting out there and meeting you guys, um, And we’re actually giving the book away as part of the ticket. Um, you know, so everybody who [00:15:00] comes we ordered I think we ordered just as many copies as tickets.

[00:15:04] Ian: Um, so i’ll be signing every single one of those and really looking forward to um to getting to chat with you guys and to to share the lessons that i’ve learned and the um What I think is the way forward for for all of us whether you’re you’re you’re in michigan or you’re You’re in new jersey or anywhere else.

[00:15:22] Ian: Um, And and this event is is thrown by some really really really amazing people um, and they’re they’re my kind of people they’re people that aren’t necessarily, uh subscribing to the The GOP as it stands, these are people who, who are taking matters into their own hands and not just waiting for somebody to save them.

[00:15:46] Ian: Um, they’re, they’re real Americans. Um, and that’s what we need more of. We need more people organizing at the local level, uh, outside of The traditional paradigm of, uh, GOP [00:16:00] or, or DNC, uh, and bringing people together to celebrate American values and to reinforce those values and to talk about how we live those values every day.

[00:16:10] Ian: So it’s going to be a great event, um, December 12th and, uh, I look forward to seeing everybody there.

[00:16:16] Justin: Well, make sure we put all the, uh, the info and ways to get tickets online too. So if you want to check that out, Hey Ian, if people want to follow you or they want to stay up to date with you, what’s the best way for them to do that?

[00:16:27] Justin: If

[00:16:27] Ian: I go online, uh, Ian Smith fitness and that’s on instagram and twitter. Um, that’s i’m usually on on either of those two making noise And that’s uh, that’s a pretty simple way. There’s there’s a link tree in my bios there So you can kind of see everything that i’m up to um, i’m sort of back in small business, um, but I stay politically active and I do speaking events all over the country still so, um, yeah any info my calendar is there and my contact information as well if you want to send me an email and Want to have a [00:17:00] question or have a conversation?

[00:17:01] Ian: I’m always trying to make sure that I engage with as many people as possible

[00:17:06] Justin: Ian smith, thanks for taking the time today. And of course, hey, man, thank you for uh, For standing up in the fight need more folks like you and of course you continue to wake people up I think that’s always

[00:17:15] Ian: a good thing my pleasure and uh, you do the same brother

[00:17:19] Justin: I’ll be seeing you when you come here.

[00:17:20] Justin: So we’ll say we’ll

[00:17:21] Ian: we’ll catch up then awesome. I’m looking forward to it Thank you very much. God bless

[00:17:26] Thank you for being here today. Don’t forget to share. Follow me everywhere at Mr. Justin Barkley on all the platforms at justinbarkley. com. You get my good newsletter. We can stay in touch no matter what happens with big tech and social media. Let’s continue to get these stories out so that people can hear the truth.

[00:17:41] Why does that matter? Well, when you hear the truth, you can make the best decision for you and your families, and that’s important. And no matter what happens, folks, my peace, my home doesn’t come from my circumstances. Certainly doesn’t come from the people that are in the white house. Washington, D. C. My peace, my hope, my joy [00:18:00] is from someplace altogether, much bigger.

[00:18:04] Keep your eyes focused on Him. God is still on the throne. God bless.

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