Clay Clark talks the Baltimore bridge Black Swan event, biblical prophecies, the collapse of trust in media, and how to Reawaken America.
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[00:00:00] [00:00:00] [00:01:00] It’s going to be a heck of a ride. It’s like drinking from a fire hose, never a dull moment, but yes, you’ll hear the stories you won’t hear anywhere else. And we appreciate you being here with us for today. I’m Justin Barclay. [00:01:18] Today’s episode is going to be a good one. Clay Clark is joining us, but really we’re going to talk a lot about the current events, biggest story of the week, obviously has to be the black swan event. Or events, I know everybody’s been talking about, it’s just going to be one big black swan event that’s going to occur, but maybe it’s a number of them. [00:01:43] Maybe we’ve been going through them at a rapid pace for the past several years. What’s on the horizon, what can we expect in the days ahead and how do you deal with it all? Especially when so much is coming at you on a daily basis, the [00:02:00] stories, the headlines, how do you make sense of it all? Clay joins us now time to free america. [00:02:07] com with the reawakened tour. You can go to time to free america. com. Use promo code Justin and get your tickets for the showdown in Motown, which is coming up. He’ll tell us more about it. Uh, June 7th and 8th in the D love to see you there in Detroit. Clay Clark. [00:02:24] Justin: appreciate you being here with us today, man. I’m going to, uh, I’m going to start you off with this, this being recorded live the day after the big bridge collapse and the crazy ship. And we see general Flynn, uh, tweeting black Swan. And that’s the question. So whether it was an attack, which is possible, whether it was an accident. [00:02:46] Justin: Possible this black swan. This, uh, this, uh, this big event that’s just taking place. It is, and it kind of fits the parameters of that. Does it not? Where do you, where do you think we are? [00:02:58] Clay: Well, okay. Just, just [00:03:00] facts, uh, facts that we know and, uh, everybody out there, please feel free to challenge what I’m saying to you. [00:03:04] Clay: We’ll look it up and assume that I’ve lost my mind and then I’m pulling these facts out of, uh, uh, some, uh, bizarre corner of my brain. Okay. So here we go. One. Is we do know that that the soviet the the soviet, uh, the russian we’ll call it the russian spy chief So no longer part of the soviet union, but many people say there’s still remnants But let’s just say the russian spy chief. [00:03:25] Clay: How about that russia’s? Is saying that uh The, the attacks in Moscow were a hundred percent connected to the United States. So let, let me just read to you. This comes from an independent, uh, it reads, um, this is the article. It says here, let me pull this up. Let me read this. I don’t want to get anything out of context here. [00:03:47] Clay: Here we go. So this would be dateline. And again, this is all within the time period of the bridge situation. So I just wanna make sure we’re very clear. So you have the independent is reporting that the Russian spy chief is making the claim [00:04:00] that the U S U K and Ukraine were behind the Moscow attack. [00:04:05] Clay: That’s what that’s what they’re saying the article goes on to say Um, it says with the kremlin wanting to deflect questions about how russian security services failed to prevent the attack And seeking justification for vladimir putin’s invasion of ukraine Allies of the russian president have sought to falsely accuse kiev. [00:04:24] Clay: That’s what that’s what this article is saying But the point is regardless of what I think or what you think or what we think you have right now You have the federal security service the fsb Is claiming That the us was behind the moscow attack. So that’s that’s what they are saying right now So how does that relate to the bridge? [00:04:44] Clay: Well within 10 hours of that announcement? We had a major a major bridge Collapse in the united states a big part of our infrastructure So, you know one could say that the the two are related or could speculate the two are related I I don’t know but I can just tell you [00:05:00] the timing of those things is very interesting [00:05:02] Justin: One thing’s for sure, uh, you know, we are, everything’s hanging by a thread so much right now that, uh, the attacks were accident, attack cidents, there’s a, there’s a new name, we’ve coined that today. [00:05:13] Justin: These things can happen and probably will more and more, uh, as we find ourselves kind of like on the edge of where, where we’ve been brought in, uh, this weird Biden build back, uh, better, uh, time. What else is on your list today? You got seven things that you’re looking at. [00:05:31] Clay: Well, I just want to say, I mean, first off, I mean, the bridge are obviously our thoughts and prayers are with everybody involved in the bridge accident. [00:05:40] Clay: I do want people to know this other update related to the bridge, the name of the bridge that collapsed, it’s called the Francis Scott Key Bridge. That’s the name of the bridge. So the bridge that fell down the bridge that collapsed is called the francis scott key bridge So, you know many [00:06:00] people locally refer to that bridge as the star spangled banner bridge because obviously Francis scott key is the author of the star spangled banner So, you know the idea that the star spangled banner bridge, uh collapsed Um, Is that is that figurative? [00:06:16] Clay: Is there a meaning to that? I do not know. So that’s update number two. Um, update number three is, um, I think many Americans are beginning to lose trust. The remnant of the American population that that does still trust the media is beginning to lose all trust with the media. And I’ll send you a link real quick in the private chat here. [00:06:36] Clay: So President Trump was, uh, you know, uh, MSNBC was discussing President Trump. I just sent a link to you there. And they were discussing President Trump, uh, and his ongoing litigation, uh, and its ongoing legal battles. And, uh, they were talking about how, how, um, will he be able to have a 454 million bond and these kinds of things. [00:06:59] Clay: [00:07:00] And as they were having this discussion, the host. Of the show on MSNBC brings in a guest, a talking head, a commentator to comment on the situation. And this talking head rolls out and throws up the Illuminati symbol while the interview is going on. And if it’s possible to pull it up on the screen, I’d love for you to get guests to see that because it truly is Mind blowing and for a lot of people that we’re still having a belief and trust in the mainstream media. [00:07:27] Clay: Look at this clip I mean, it’s it’s just what is he doing? And if you look at it within context He holds it up there for like three seconds. Look at that You know, you only play it. Yeah, go for it. It’s crazy. [00:07:39] Video Clip: Michael Elise here. What is the historical parallel the closest parallel to a Politician who is this embroiled in legal problems in the run up to an election? [00:07:51] Video Clip: What can you can you think of any is there any? [00:07:55] Justin: That [00:07:56] Video Clip: can [00:07:58] Justin: give you the shortest answer [00:08:00] on earth. Nothing at all. That definitely wasn’t a zero. [00:08:05] Clay: Yeah. And look at, look at France here. Look at France. If you keep playing this clip here, I mean, this is a recent media appearance with McCrone and his people. [00:08:15] Clay: They’re all throwing it up. [00:08:20] Justin: And what is this clay what this is the the new world order the illuminati what are we what are [00:08:26] Clay: we doing right? So they’re making new world order symbolism on mainstream media. I mean, they’re not I mean we’ve seen Rihanna do it during the super bowl. We’ve seen jay z do it countless times. We see lebron james do it Basically at every game he plays in But it’s becoming so out in the open that I’m seeing the collapse of the bridge. [00:08:46] Clay: I idea. Number one, I do see that I am seeing the collapse and trust between countries, and I’m seeing a complete collapse in the trust of mainstream media, if there was any trust left, because this sort of jackassery is [00:09:00] allowed on mainstream media television and nobody comments on it. I mean, if you’re watching, it’s almost laughable. [00:09:05] Clay: It’s like you’re watching an Adam Sandler movie. [00:09:08] Justin: Yeah. And if people do, I did a lot of people probably don’t even know what they’re seeing a lot of times and they’ll watch his Super Bowl and you have no idea what they’re watching, you know, [00:09:18] Clay: now we continue here. Update number four, uh, did he, you know, this, and to just be clear, uh, did he, a. [00:09:24] Clay: k. a puff daddy. Um, this is the man who he was born with the name, Sean Combs, we believe. And, uh, he, uh, introduced the notorious BIG to the music industry, to the world. Um, he introduced Casey and Jojo. Um, he was instrumental in basically introducing hip hop into the world. Um, then, uh, Jay Z introduced Mary J. [00:09:46] Clay: Blige. Okay. Uh, then he was quote unquote, the mentor of Justin Bieber, whatever that means. Um, he was the mentor whatever that means of usher. Um, this guy has events He calls a freak offs that he hosts. [00:10:00] So diddy hosts these events called freak offs And uh, the whole thing is, uh, this is a guy who’s got all sorts of sexual scandal, uh close to him well, the client list recently came out or the attendee list or the Those involved in the litigation list is now coming out in mainstream media such as You know newsweek is reporting it and pretty much everybody’s reporting it But what i’m saying right now is you’re seeing a collapse in the trust people have in some of these big names You know, you’re beginning to see people in ministry. [00:10:33] Clay: You’re seeing people in music seeing people in movies So again, i’m seeing the collapse of the bridge I’m seeing a collapse in the trust people have between nations. I’m seeing a collapse of people’s, their, their faith in the mainstream media. And I’m seeing a collapse of, of trust that people have in the music industry or the movie industry. [00:10:50] Clay: Now, guys like you and your listeners, they already knew of the corruption in these industries, but now it’s becoming almost impossible for the mainstream media to lie [00:11:00] about it because it’s so blatant and out in the open, [00:11:04] Justin: you know, your question of trust. I don’t even know what to trust, you know, how do, where do people go, um, and, and Cole, what do you do, what do you do on a daily basis, because you’re, you’re, you’re just like me, you’re seeing stuff every day, it’s getting sent to your right and left, you’re looking at these stories, how do you find the truth? [00:11:28] Clay: Well, um, I mean, I have a process I go through and by the way, you’re the only person, you’re the only person that’s ever asked me that. So I love that question. Um, basically what I do, you know, as I get up every morning at three a. m. And I go through, uh, that which is important. I believe that the two, um, this is my research, what I do. [00:11:47] Clay: I believe that they’re, that you’re going to see the introduction of a cashless society, uh, or of the ability, uh, where you can’t buy or sell unless you put a, uh, MIT Central Bank [00:12:00] Digital Currency Technology under your skin, uh, called the MIT Quantum dot. I believe that the, the ultimate goal is a one world government and a one way to pay, and it’s a cashless society, and I believe the, so. [00:12:13] Clay: I’m always studying, always looking at is the collapse of the dollar. So I do a lot of search for BRICS and what the BRICS countries are doing. And I look up the collapse of the dollar. And then secondly, I look up what Yuval Noah Harari is talking about because Yuval Noah Harari has sold 47 million copies of his books. [00:12:30] Clay: He’s praised by Obama, Zuckerberg, Gates, MIT, Stanford, Harvard. Um, he has known. Um, he is, is known as, uh, the, they call him the prophet. He’s calling humans, hackable animals. He wants to put surveillance under the skin. He wants to rewrite the Bible using AI. He now is claiming to be one of the creators or the, one of the inventors of AI. [00:12:52] Clay: Um, he is openly gay. He rejects the God of his fathers. Uh, he said that history began when [00:13:00] humans invented gods and will end when humans become gods. I mean, this guy fulfills. Every possible, um, detail of what the antichrist prophet is supposed to fulfill. So you talk about the Bible says revelation chapter 16, verse 12 to 14. [00:13:17] Clay: It tells us that when the Euphrates river dries up, the false prophet will show up. And that’s revelation chapter 16, verse 12 to 14 revelation, chapter 16, verse 12 to 14. So I, every day I look at the Bible. Right. How does the Bible say this all ends? And then I look at what is Yuval Noah Harari talking about today? [00:13:36] Clay: And then what is happening with the collapse of the dollar? Because once they can make it where you can’t buy or sell without taking this SMARC or the system, then at that point, uh, Every other discussion becomes irrelevant because you wouldn’t be allowed to debate. You wouldn’t be allowed to dissent. [00:13:51] Clay: So that’s, that’s what I look at. That’s my process. I do that every day. Um, and that’s, that’s what I look at. So I don’t necessarily look at a lot of stuff. Now, if a guy like you sends it to [00:14:00] me, if it’s a vetted source, I look at it, but you know, I’m not going to get into the issues that I believe to be non issues, you know, so like right now my research, um, next item has updated or has led me to discovering that Hamas recently declared that their reason for. [00:14:16] Clay: Attacking israel on that specific day was because of the presence of the red heifers. Yes And so, you know if you don’t read the bible that that wouldn’t mean anything to you But if you do read the bible, you would understand that the bible prophesied that the antichrist Would sit in the third temple and declare that he is god now. [00:14:37] Clay: You can’t build the third temple Uh, the jews can’t build the third temple unless they have a blemish free red heifer They’ll say a blemish free red heifers and then they can’t build the temple unless they remove the current Um, Muslim religious structure that sits upon the, the Temple Mount. So, um, you know, when you start seeing that Hamas is saying the reason why [00:15:00] they attacked Israel is because of the Red Heifer, I think it’s important for you to know what the Red Heifer means. [00:15:05] Clay: So I just encourage everybody out there, you know, read the Bible and if you’re looking for specific other things to research or to study, uh, places to go to learn more, I do think it’s a smart idea for you to look up Yuval Noah Harari. And I also think it’s a great idea for you to look up bricks. Um, and again, you know, where do you go to find these things? [00:15:23] Clay: Um, I like to use a rumble. I like to use, um, X I like to use duck, duck, go. I like to use, but it’s very important. Everyone knows these things. [00:15:33] Justin: Yeah. It’s funny about this. This, this story, it really is, I think, I think this episode is going to come out, I think it’s this weekend, the Easter weekend, let’s just say. [00:15:46] Justin: And Clay, what I think I remember them saying is that they’re going to start this process with these heifers Friday. Good Friday. And then the other thing that I heard is that because this is cleansing the temple, they’re going to do this Friday, and then [00:16:00] it takes three days for the ashes to cool. So then Easter, they’ll, they’ll be able to start that process, the cleansing process, whatever they’re going to get into. [00:16:09] Justin: And yeah, when I saw this story too, I thought, man, that’s really fascinating because it doesn’t matter what I believe. It doesn’t matter what you believe, but you know what they believe this. So that that’s why they attacked in October, [00:16:24] Clay: correct? This is this is why they attacked and so for anybody out there again But the Bible tells us in Revelation chapter 16 verse 12 through 14 when the Euphrates River dries up That’s when the false prophet will show up now. [00:16:36] Clay: Let me continue on this idea So the Euphrates River for let’s look up the let’s let’s think about the Tower of Babel Okay, so this guy by the name of nimrod nimrod, he tried to build the tower of babel and then god confounded Uh the languages and nimrod, uh changed his name to gilgamesh and was later buried underneath the euphrates river Well this just in folks. [00:16:56] Clay: I don’t know people know this idea here But you’ve all know harari was working on the [00:17:00] gilgamesh project when barack obama found him what? Yes, Yuval Noah Harari was working on the Gilgamesh project, which is a project to offer humans eternal life and to merge humans with animals. Okay, so that’s why Yuval Noah Harari is relevant because Barack Obama found him working on the Gilgamesh project. [00:17:18] Clay: What am I saying? So as the Euphrates River dried up, what is happening? You’re seeing the false prophets show up. You’re seeing China and Russia team up. You’re seeing the false prophets show up. That’s what’s happening. It’s all happening. It is all happening. And so now after that’s revelation chapter 16 verse 12 to 14 May open up your bible to mark chapter 13 mark chapter 13. [00:17:36] Clay: I know some people are trying to keep up That’s mark chapter 13. You also look up a math in mark chapter 13. Look up matthew chapter 24 matthew chapter 24 And I highly recommend that you also look up uh, luke chapter 21 Luke chapter 21. And if you look up mark chapter 13, Matthew chapter 24 and Luke chapter 21, you’ll discover that Jesus specifically told the apostles What would happen the things that [00:18:00] would need to happen before his return and all of those things are coming to pass They’re all coming to pass And again, you go into the bible the bible tells you there’s going to come a time where there’s the mark of the beast That’s revelation chapter 13 revelation chapter 13 verse 16 through 18 revelation chapter 13 verse 16 through 18 and guess what? [00:18:18] Clay: Uh, MIT is developing the quantum dot. You can all look it up right now, folks. MIT quantum dot, look it up MIT quantum dot. Everybody should type it into Google right now. MIT quantum dot MIT has created a quantum dot, which stores your medical and financial records under your skin. MIT has also created a central bank, digital currency, the CBDC. [00:18:37] Clay: This is programmable. Uh currency money you can turn on or off. Okay, so it’d make it impossible to buy or sell Unless you are following the narrative of the godless marxist communist. So I mean this is what’s happening right now And I I think people need to know well who funded that mit lab. I mean who would fund The mit lab that’s creating essentially the functional mark of the beast Jeffrey [00:19:00] Epstein. [00:19:00] Clay: What? Yeah, the world’s most prolific pedophile who put a temple on his island is the one funding, is the one who funded the MIT Quantum Dot Lab there. And also, the lab was funded by Bill Gates. You know, Bill Gates, the guy who has a satanic spiritual advisor by the name of Marina Abramovich. I mean, this is how it all fits together. [00:19:18] Clay: So right now, as Christians, we gotta share the truth. And we just gotta make sure that we are on the side of team Jesus, because the Bible was written not to scare, but to prepare, but to tell us when he was going to be returning. And we don’t wanna be found, uh, unworthy of, uh, uh, Christ when he returns. [00:19:35] Clay: And so, uh, my pep talk I give to myself every day. As, as I say, you know, this might be the last day. You know, let’s not screw it up. Let’s honor our, our Lord and Savior. Let’s do what we can to wake people up. Let’s try to live a lives that are holy and pure. Um, do I do a good job of it? Uh, I don’t think I do. [00:19:52] Clay: Um, I, I think I could do a better job. Uh, every day I try to assess every day. I feel like there’s something that I could have blatantly [00:20:00] done better the day before, but that’s how I look at the reawaken America tour and what we’re doing is I’m just trying to lead as many people to Christ as possible. [00:20:06] Clay: And, uh, while waking people up and if there is hope to save America, I I think we need to have as many awake Americans as possible who understand the depravity of what’s going on and decide to fear God and nothing else. . [00:20:18] Justin: Amen to that. [00:20:19] Justin: So let’s talk about that. CBDCs, are they on the horizon? Swift just announced in the last days they’re ready to launch their CBDC. And challenge bricks. Of course, you know, the issue with bricks, it’s Brazil, Russia, India, China, and Saudi Arabia, and a few other countries that are now jumping in together to sort of challenge the dollar and, uh, they’re doing their own thing with trading, obviously, uh, petroleum and, and, uh, oil and the rest of it obviously is an attack on the, they’ve done it. [00:20:52] Justin: They’ve got a CBDC program that they’re setting up as well. So SWIFT now is the major organization that [00:21:00] does all the transactions between banks, your bank, my bank, a credit union here, there, and throughout internationally, it’s the system that really takes care of all these things. And SWIFT means business. [00:21:13] Justin: And that means the CBDC is probably going to happen sooner rather than later. Well, You and I both know, especially if you spend any time listening to this program, that CBDC is a centralized central bank, digital currency, a centralized way of controlling money. You know, in other words, you and I may make a post on social media and if powers that be, they’ll like it. [00:21:38] Justin: This could usher in a social credit score system. Of course, they could turn you on and off, tell you what you can spend the central digitalized currency on at any given point, tell you how much you can buy. Well, you’re, you’ve gone over your allotment on carbon credits today, so no more steak or red meat for you. [00:21:55] Justin: Too many cow farts into the environment. Now, maybe turn [00:22:00] your car off or tell you that you can’t buy gasoline anymore. Maybe if you’ve already switched over to the electric vehicle like they told you to do, tell you you can’t charge it anymore. And this is Well, this is all you get. You don’t get any more miles this month. [00:22:14] Justin: We got to shut you off. All of that is possible with a central bank digital currency. And that is what looks like is right around the corner. So how can you get ready? Well, we’ve been talking about it for a while now, but thanks to our partners at Goldco, brand new partner. They’ve been with us for the last several months, but they’ve really jumped on in a big way, helping to support this program. [00:22:38] Justin: And I got to tell you, I couldn’t be happier. They helped make way. What we’re doing possible. And, you know, they could help you too. If you feel like your money’s being attacked from every angle, every day, like how like I do, that’s, that’s a good reason to give the folks at gold co a call. That’s why I partnered with gold call. [00:22:56] Justin: I believe buying gold silver is a great way to protect your money and your [00:23:00] family. And you can learn how to, you can do the same thing today too. And in fact, you can actually get up to 10, 000. In bonus silver while supplies last, see if you’re qualified, go to justinlikesgold. com. That’s justinlikesgold. [00:23:14] Justin: com or you can call 855 512 GOLD. That’s 855 512 GOLD. They’ll answer all your questions for you. Of course, you know, they’ve got the A plus rating with the better business bureau. They’ve been in business for, I don’t know how long. I mean, these guys are the real deal. Seven time Inc 5,000. They’re the biggest industry right now. [00:23:35] Justin: And there’s a reason for that. So give them a shout and tell them that you, uh, you heard it here. Justinlikesgold. com. Check them out today. [00:23:44] Justin: So speaking of which, uh, Clay, let me ask you, you know, when folks are looking at, uh, at trying to decipher the truth and or truth, uh, when they’re looking at stories or they’re seeing things in the news, kind of like your [00:24:00] process, how much in moving into this is like, you know, the, your ability to just have the discernment And really lay that foundation of the word and, and, and let that kind of be your, your guide for, for it all. [00:24:14] Clay: Well, I, I mean, I think the Bible, I mean, I don’t think, I know the Bible is the truth. And so everybody needs to read the Bible. And I know sometimes when you say read the Bible, it can be overwhelming. I know for me it is. Yeah. I mean, for me, it is right. I mean, maybe for other listeners, it’s not. But for me, and you’re talking about read the Bible, I think to myself, wow, that’s a big book. [00:24:33] Clay: Those are thoughts I have. Right. But if you hone in on specific parts of the Bible, maybe it’s more manageable. So if you go to time to free America dot com forward slash Alex. Time to free america. com forward slash Alex. I have put together what I believe to be almost like the ultimate Bible study. [00:24:49] Clay: That’s time to free america. com forward slash Alex. And it’s the show notes that I brought with me when general Flynn and I were on Alex Jones together, and there’s 119 biblical [00:25:00] prophecies that are coming to pass simultaneously. And I think everybody would, would do well by investing the time needed to, to understand them and to read them as it relates to scripture. [00:25:09] Clay: So it’s the current event. Coupled with where in the Bible, these things were described to be taking place. And again, for anybody who wants to join us, uh, for the final reawakened America tour, it’s June 7th and 8th in Detroit, Michigan, June 7th and 8th in Detroit, Michigan, and you can get those tickets at timetofreeamerica. [00:25:26] Clay: com. Timetofreeamerica. com. And on the lineup, we have Alina Haba, President Trump’s attorney. Eric Trump, Kash Patel, uh, General Flynn, Michael Lindell, Greg Locke, Simone Gold, Dr. Stella Emanuel, the lineup, uh, Jim Brewer, we have over 70 speakers over a two day period of time. And I really, really do believe that these events are eye opening and awakening for so many people. [00:25:48] Clay: And the reason why we let people name their price is because I want it to be affordable for everybody. So again, folks, if you’re looking right now, go to time to free America. com. You can name your price. That’s time To free [00:26:00] america. com. Get your tickets right there. Time to free america. com [00:26:04] Justin: promo code. [00:26:05] Justin: Justin, [00:26:07] Clay: if you use promo code, Justin, by the way, what that does for you is it enters you in for a chance to win a backstage pass. And so that’s a great way to do that. Um, also you do get discounts off of VIP tickets. And so that kind of gives you the discount off the VIP. It also gives you a chance to win a backstage pass. [00:26:22] Clay: And then finally, um, other free stuff we have available for you. If you go to time to free america. com, you can watch the reawaken America tour documentary. For free tonight at that time to free america. com. So many people tell me they get inspired by watching documentaries. Some people tell me they just need to read the facts. [00:26:38] Clay: Some people tell me they need to hear at a conference. Some people say they listen to a broadcast. Some people said they need a book form. So we’ve provided all these things for you for free, largely. So you can download the great reset versus the great reawakening book for free at time to free america. [00:26:51] Clay: com. And you can download the documentary for free at time to free america. com. So a lot of stuff. Is happening it is coming to pass and again i’m just uh, [00:27:00] um honored to be a small part of it I hope that uh, you know, my morale will improve and that my accuracy and Research will get better over time. I mean, we’re all new to this. [00:27:10] Clay: We’re all Citizen journalists when we find ourselves speaking the truth. I try not to ever put anything out ever unless I can verify it is true Um, but again, you know, we’re all in this learning this Um, this discernment together, and I believe I’ve been at it for a long time as a business guy, so maybe it comes more naturally to me now, but it is a skill set that can be learned. [00:27:34] Justin: Clay Clark, one of the coolest things, uh, that I’ve heard and, and seen some of this, uh, but. Time to free America, obviously time to free america. com for the reawakened tour, but your tour, like on the surface, it sort of seems like it’s a political event or a rally or something like that. But what’s wild is that there’s a lot more happening. [00:27:55] Justin: In fact, people are getting saved. They are getting saved, like you said, and there’s baptisms happening. [00:28:00] [00:28:00] Clay: Right. You know, um, well, I mean, again, I don’t want to make America a better place to go to hell from, right. I want to lead people to Christ. And so at the, at the events, one third of the speakers are, uh, are pastors. [00:28:12] Clay: Typically, you know, you have pastors. So pastor Phil Hotson, Pillar, very accurate pastor, uh, pastor Bernadette Smith, uh, pastor Greg Locke. Um, and then, you know, a third of the lineup would be, I would say like geopolitical experts, you know, Eric Trump, general Flynn, uh, Cash patel, et cetera. And then I would say the other third are experts in specific niches. [00:28:31] Clay: You know, the people that know the truth about medical fraud, election fraud, religious fraud, monetary fraud, mainstream media fraud. Um, and so you get a chance to hear the truth from these people, but it really is a powerful event. And, uh, I appreciate you working with a crazy schedule today, but for anybody out there who wants to get those tickets, just go to time to free America. [00:28:48] Clay: com. Again, that’s time to free America. [00:28:52] Justin: Appreciate you, Clay. Thank you so much. Look [00:28:57] Clay: All right. You take [00:28:58] Justin: care, [00:28:58] Clay: sir. [00:28:59] Justin: [00:29:00] You too. God bless. [00:29:00] Always a great conversation with Clay. Never a dull moment. Don’t forget the showdown in Motown. You can grab your tickets, times at freeamerica. com, June 7th and 8th. And of course, love to see you there. Use promo code Justin for all the goodies. And, uh, yeah, I think we’re going to have a blast. It’s going to be a great time. [00:29:18] Uh, as Clay mentioned, all of these things that are happening now. And I think Essentially what he says and what I have to implement in my life too on a daily basis, continuing, if you’re going to believe the Bible, if you’re going to just look around and see what’s happening on a daily basis here. But the continuing pattern that we’re essentially looking at is one after the other, more and more and more in the beginning. [00:29:46] What I said is, is it a Black Swan event or is it a series of Black Swan events, literally leading us. Down the path, well, no matter what happens, as you know, I often say that, uh, it’s not our [00:30:00] circumstances that define us and where we are, all I know, no matter what happens, is that you’re not alone and that God is still on the throne. [00:30:08] So we continue to face what we face on a daily basis, setting the foundation, uh, like, like we do every morning and, and kind of get ready for the day. Whatever we face, you put on the full armor and you’re going to be ready to fight the full fight, the good fight. Oh, faith. [00:30:24] Thank you for being here today. Don’t forget to share. Follow me everywhere at Mr. Justin Barkley on all the platforms at justinbarkley. com. You get my good newsletter. We can stay in touch no matter what happens with big tech and social media. Let’s continue to get these stories out so that people can hear the truth. [00:30:39] Why does that matter? Well, when you hear the truth and you can make the best decision for you and your families, that’s important. And no matter what happens, folks, my peace, my home doesn’t come from my circumstance. It certainly doesn’t come from the people that are in the White House or in Washington, D. [00:30:55] C. My peace, my hope, my joy is from someplace [00:31:00] altogether. Much bigger. Keep your eyes focused on him. God is still on the throne. God bless. Big announcement! That’s right, I’ve decided to partner with the folks at Gold Co. Look, no matter what we face in the days ahead, we’ve got the economy, we’ve got the crisis at the border. [00:31:23] Every single day, the wars in other parts of the world We’re facing things that we’ve never faced before and all at once and that’s why it’s never been more important for me And my family to get prepared no matter what may come You know, we work like it all depends on us pray like it all depends on God And that’s why we partnered with goco to get ready with precious metals, whether it’s gold or silver You can protect yourself your family your kids and your grandkids For years to come. [00:31:54] And right now members of the freedom fam, get this qualified members can get 10, [00:32:00] 000 worth of free silver. 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Plus, you’ll get a month free when you sign up today. Online, justinbarclay. com slash locals, justinbarclay. com slash locals. We’ll see you inside. A lot of people ask, how can I support you? How can I help? Get this program out there and continue to grow. Well, one of the great ways you can do that is by supporting Mike Lindell and grabbing some great deals at MyPillow. [00:33:31] Because every penny you spend with Mike Lindell and MyPillow goes to support you. Folks like me. And in fact, this program, you’ll help power what we’re doing here. Plus you’ll get some great deals on spectacular products. Everything from mattresses to slippers. Mike’s got it all. All inside mypillow. com slash Justin. [00:33:52] Just use promo code Justin when you check out and you can save big. And have you checked out my store? [00:34:00] Mystore. com slash Justin. Same kind of savings from products from all over the world. In fact, most of them made right here in America, the good old USA. 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[00:36:59] Streaming. [00:37:00] This changes everything. Go to cue with justin. com to get started today. That’s C U E with justin. com cue with justin. com. This was sacred to God. This is exactly why I need some action from my people. Hello everybody, it’s an honor to be with you. The Reawaken America Tour stops in Detroit, Michigan. [00:37:28] It’s the showdown in Motown. Get your tickets now for the very last event. [00:37:38] Timetofreeamerica. com Use promo code Justin at Timetofreeamerica. com today.