Gentry shares his insights on how influencers shape public opinion, the impact of memes in the conservative movement, and the potential dangers and benefits of AI. He talks free speech, the manipulation of algorithms, and the importance of meaningful dialogue in a polarized society.
00:00 Introduction and Overview
01:18 Meet the Influencer: Gentry Jeevers
03:48 The Role of Humor in Politics
05:26 Conservative Youth and Social Media
07:09 The Power of Memes
20:41 AI and Social Media Manipulation
22:51 The Future of AI and Society
31:01 Event Announcement and Conclusion

Gentry Gevers
[00:00:00] It’s going to be a heck of a ride. It’s like drinking from a fire hose, never a dull moment, but yes, you’ll hear the stories you won’t hear anywhere else. And we appreciate you being here with us for today. I’m Justin Barkley. [00:00:18] All right. The guest today is, uh, influential, probably the best way to put it and influence you. Think of who are these influence or the people you follow online. And, you know, oftentimes, uh, you don’t really know much about them and may see some things here and there. They’ll share things that you say. I really, I like that. [00:00:37] I agree with this person. I, I love what they’re doing. Um, and a lot of them now, I think making an impact younger. Gentry is one of those guys. In fact, uh, bringing him in right now. Uh, gentry, how do I say your last name? I always read it online to make sure I’m saying it right. It’s Jeevers. Yeah. Now you’re like [00:01:00] on all the different social media places. [00:01:02] So like, I’m, you know, just like we do, we share stuff online and I don’t know, you see stuff and you see people and. I don’t know, remember when I first saw your stuff, but I was like, ah, I like this guy. I like what he said, and I think that’s kind of like how most of us do, you know, you’re seeing things that kind of like this, this person, you start to see them and they pop up more and you follow them. [00:01:20] But like you’re a young guy. How old are you? Um, I’m actually not that young. I’m 31. A lot of the influencers, That I’m seeing now. I’m serious. They’re, they’re like in their 20s and young 20s, 18, 19, something like that. So, but, but to me, you know, I’m, I’m like, I’m 45 this year. So 31, you’re just a, you’re just a pup man. [00:01:43] You know, but I, I, you’re right. You’re like, it is. And like, I think it’s, it’s funny. I was talking about this today. Um, and I was sharing some things that Trump team was sharing on, which had been shared online. I’m just like, look at this. This is hilarious. So that’s hilarious. And this, this is kind of like that idea [00:02:00] that the left can’t name, you know, and it’s so true, like all of this stuff that’s coming out now. [00:02:08] Whether it’s a campaign ad, Never going to run on TV, but it’s an ad that is making it around on social media. Maybe it’ll, maybe it’ll get paid for mostly it’s just viral. And the just, they make an impact, but. A lot of, uh, a lot of younger folks, conservative, like the, the, the youth, like, and as you say, you’re not young, but you know, twenties and whatnot, I mean, people are starting to wake up and they’re really kind of getting energized and social media and, uh, influencers playing a big role, I think in this like resurgence and the way the conservative movement, red pill, whatever you want to call it, has taken place. [00:02:48] Well, I think humor actually has a lot to do with it. So the fact that the left can’t mean, I think it’s, um, it’s really drawing like a whole nother crowd to it because, you know, like all these kids are [00:03:00] seeing all this like crazy weird stuff that’s happening. And I bet you a vast majority of them have no idea. [00:03:06] Like, what’s going on, like, why it’s happening, all this kind of stuff. But then humor kind of makes sense of it all, plus you can laugh at it, plus it’s very disarming. Um, I have a theory that, like, Joe Rogan and all of his comedian buddies, um, they’re gonna save America just because of Yeah. Free speech and they’re, they’re, they’re pushing the boundaries sometimes for good and sometimes for bad, right? [00:03:27] I’ve seen some very off colored jokes in some of their sets and I’ve even posted some of them on my Instagram. Um, but just the fact that like you can’t say stuff, I feel like these kids are starting to rebel in the, in the opposite direction, right? So. Like the, the, the way that I like to think about it is like, um, like a, like my parents, they, they grew up in the, um, you know, uh, 70s, 80s, 90s, and they kind of can’t, my parents were, uh, saved through the Jesus revolution, so they, [00:04:00] you know, they went to, uh, they started going to church and started to turn their life around, and, like, I feel like a lot of people kind of grew up in that, like, Judeo Christian household, and, um, Uh, they decided just to like, uh, rebel against, you know, the power structure. [00:04:16] And, but because so many people rebelled, I feel like there’s a whole nother people who are rebelling in the opposite direction now, I’m seeing that trend. Um, I was listening to Charlie Kirk’s podcast the other day and he was talking about how, um, young, like young men. Like high school college are starting to become a lot more conservative Just because like the conservative right has a lot better of a voice for them Then the left. [00:04:44] So at least, at least that’s what I’m seeing is something about that. It’s like, uh, the rebellion, everything that’s the pendulum swings, right? Everything’s called so far left. It’s like out in cuckoo territory. Like, [00:05:00] and so people are, are starting to swing back, I think, cause they’re going, wait a minute. So yeah, a man can have a baby. [00:05:09] I don’t know about that. Well, it was crazy at this point, the first, like, if we just keep going this route, the first female president will actually be a dude. I don’t think that’s too far off. Honestly. I think you’re, I think you’re right on the money on that. Unfortunately. Um, I think that’s so true. Um, yeah. [00:05:33] And who knows, maybe we’ve already had one, but, uh, you know, it’s interesting because again, to your point about how comedians or Joe Rogan might save the country, um, that’s, I think that’s why they’re so, uh, they come after they try to cancel these guys so much is that there’s so much that always says there’s like a little truth in jest. [00:05:55] And like, that’s how you break through to people. You could have like very [00:06:00] serious conversations and like arguments with people and usually people arguing on the internet. Like I always laugh because like, you’re not changing my mind. Like I’m not going to change your mind, but memes. Memes do because if I see something and I laugh at it and I’ll laugh at it Like if it’s something that I even if I disagree with it, if it’s funny, I’m gonna laugh at it, right? [00:06:27] And I think that’s the way I’m starting to see people Wake up over the last couple years that I know and love that are close to me that they’re starting to send me memes now and That I know, like, they’ve, they’ve had their perspective changed, um, because, because of, of simply just memes, the humor in it. [00:06:49] Well, it’s an, it’s an unbelievably powerful tool. Um, a lot of people don’t know this, but, uh, in the early 2000s, the CIA actually had a meme division that [00:07:00] they shut down. Wow. And so they were trying to like infiltrate society and try to like change the conversation with memes, but it was shut down. So, um, if the CIA is looking at that, it probably means that it’s pretty powerful. [00:07:16] I wonder if we’re seeing any of that, if there’s anything out there that there are 1000 percent are they affected? Um, I mean, the means that that the right is creating is very effective. I’m seeing some of the left means sometimes they’re funny, but for the most part, it just kind of falls flat. Yeah, that’s the thing. [00:07:39] I mean, again, the left can’t because they don’t have a sense of humor. They take things so serious. It’s by any means necessary. For whatever reason, like, I think also, I don’t know, not to be too harsh, but it’s just the truth is like the folks on the left, like they’re not thinking, they can’t think there’s no real thought that goes into their [00:08:00] positions. [00:08:01] Um, a lot of times it’s just parroted information, they’re brainwashed or indoctrinated and that’s why I think that we get a cancel culture when you try to see like, okay, these, you can’t have a conversation, you bring the ideas into the, into the arena to duke it out. Cause that’s always how I’ve, I’ve sort of felt is like, let’s just talk about it. [00:08:20] Or let’s, you know, let’s have conversation about things. When I’m on the air, when I’m doing my radio show fact, it’s just happened the other day. I’ve noticed less and less people that actually want to call that disagree with you. Like they would got a guy the other day that disagreed and he, I finally got to him. [00:08:39] I hit the button to pick him up and then it click and when he was lost him off the line and I was so bummed out because I really liked talking to people who. Disagree because you’re gonna have a good conversation or it’s gonna be funny either way. But but um, I just don’t see that They’re not able to have these conversations The [00:09:00] ideas don’t hold up and I think that’s why they’re not funny because in order to be funny You you have to be smart people don’t get Joe Rogan and people like this as much credit as they deserve. [00:09:11] They’re brilliant They’re so funny. They’re so smart because they’re like really what they’re doing is they’re looking at something from a different angle or a funny angle. And I mean, uh, there was even a study. Um, I can’t cite the study or I don’t know where it was from, but I saw it and, uh, this was like five years ago or something like that. [00:09:34] Uh, they were saying that, um, comedians have some of the highest IQs and EQs of anybody. Like, someone who is funny is just gonna be, like, a little bit smarter in a social setting. Maybe not book smart, but it definitely helps with that. Um, I do think, though, that it is, it is important to point out that, um, And I feel like a lot of conservatives maybe get this wrong, but, uh, the, the people who are really fighting [00:10:00] against is like the people at the top, right? [00:10:02] They’re the people who are like pushing the narrative, pulling the strings, all this kind of stuff, like your neighbor or your aunt or uncle, that’s like a Democrat or liberal, like kind of radical, they’re not, they’re not the enemy in a lot of ways. Right. They’re just, um, this is kind of like a harsh thing to say, but they’re, they’re like a useful idiot. [00:10:19] Right. They haven’t actually thought out all their ideas. And so, like, I think it’s probably, uh, social media’s fault. I’m, I’m, I’m probably at fault with this, too, by just, like, getting the base, like, riled up and, um, getting, you know, millions of hits on a post that can just get people fired up. But I feel like, um, if we can, like, change the, the framing on, like, your neighbor and just having, like, a conversation, not, like, going at it, and maybe sharing a meme or asking a thought provoking question, um, And not try to have like a gotcha moment. [00:10:53] I was listening to, uh, uh, James Lindsay actually came to my church, uh, a couple of days ago to speak on Tuesday [00:11:00] night. And, uh, he was saying that the, um, deep programming cycle takes about two years. Sometimes it can be quicker, but sometimes it’s not. And so if someone’s like, you know, quadruple vax and all this kind of stuff, it takes like a while for them to realize that they’re wrong. [00:11:17] He’s, he’s. And he said that he’s seen a lot of people. I think he was even talking about a dad who was like, he got like four, four vaccine shots and he’s like, yeah, I probably took a couple too many. And he’s like, that’s a big breakthrough. That’s a huge breakthrough. So like, I feel like a lot of conservatives are like, let’s try to like, like deprogram them overnight in like one conversation. [00:11:38] And it’s just, it’s not going to work. Right. It’s kind of like, um, you know, how do you like change someone’s worldview? Cause that’s really what it is. Um, and it’s just like, By asking thoughtful questions, being there, I feel, I feel like because of the persona that I put out on social that like people think that I’m just like total radical, but I like people, [00:12:00] I actually have these conversations in real life. [00:12:01] So, um, but yeah, I’m trying to figure out like a way to like, reframe some of that stuff, maybe a little bit. But I think that’s also, it’s always really important to say. Uh, just like figure out how to have those conversations because the pendulum is swinging back to our side. Well, this is left for me, but whatever. [00:12:21] Um, and I feel like, you know, to have, uh, those like free flowing conversations instead of like, I gotcha, you know, Yeah, that’s always good. I love that too. I have, um, I have some family members and, uh, some people I know that, that I care about that. We don’t agree on a lot of things, but we do agree on a lot of things. [00:12:43] We just had a conversation at one with them the other day where we were sitting down talking about different subjects. Right now, these things that would be in the news, if I, like, went through them all, they would be, like, really, kind of, like, charged, you know, [00:13:00] politically divisive subject. And if you had these conversations on social media with a random stranger, there would be, like, all kinds of things flying and, uh, You know, but at the end of it, she and I, and then I would just, I said to her, I go, see, this is the thing is, is, is we can have these conversations and you and I, I mean, I think most people can when they’re face to face. [00:13:28] But you think back about all the things that we’ve gone through and in the last few years, I mean, they want us, they told us this the week, okay, we made it up the six foot social distancing. Pulled that out of the, we’ve known that for a while, but they finally admitted that you wear a mask. And I think a lot of that was the, you know, just to get, to get you like separated from people so that you wouldn’t talk to one another. [00:13:57] wouldn’t have conversations and stay [00:14:00] away. Whatever you do. I don’t want to hear from you. Keep your mask on. I got to keep mine on, you know, all this stuff. And he can’t hear that. It’s the whole thing. And a lot of facial cues and things like that. I just think a lot of that was meant to like, and here in Michigan, um, You know, or it was like where you are, by the way, Gentry’s coming. [00:14:17] He’s going to be here in, uh, in just a few days for the, uh, the big event that, uh, Charlie Kirk is having. President Trump’s going to be here. All is a huge list of people. Uh, the people’s convention in Detroit, 14th through the 16th. Um, but I don’t know what it was like where you were at, where we were here. [00:14:34] Our governor was one of the worst. She had everything shut down and then she was telling people to go out and confront each other if they weren’t wearing a mask or, um, and people died. There were a couple of people that got killed. There was one guy that was shot at a dollar store. Uh, he was a security guard there. [00:14:49] And I think it was like Flint or someplace like that, where a guy came in and he was yelling at him about wearing a mask and the guy got mad, pulled out a gun and shot him. There was another place a guy stabbed [00:15:00] somebody at an ice cream, they were getting ice cream at this this ice cream stand and he stabbed somebody for not wearing a mask. [00:15:06] He snapped, he went crazy, ran and uh, police eventually catch up with him. They kill him because he had a knife and it was a whole. These things and, and the trauma that people were going through and I think a lot of this stuff was intentional to push us to the edge. It caused people to snap in so many different ways, and we’re still seeing a lot of that. [00:15:26] Happen on social media. I just don’t know. It’s obviously not real life. You just said something that I say all the time, which is your neighbors, not your enemy. Like we just, we, we, we get that. Um, but we’re being pitted against each other. Why do you think that is? I mean, we’re constantly being divided. Do you sense that too? [00:15:49] Do you see that happening? Um, why do I think that is, um, it’s easier to control people when you can kind of [00:16:00] put them in boxes. I think it’s um, I, I think that’s it, I, the, the radical left, the socialist, the Marxist, the communist, whatever you want to call them, they understand that free speech is imperative to have a free society, right, and when they try to stifle that speech online with censorship, and they try to make all these topics really, really charged, and They’re trying to get at, you know, the right for being insensitive and non inclusive and not about diversity, all this kind of stuff. [00:16:32] When they’re taking the moral high ground and they just think that we’re just all a bunch of dorks. Um, like they, they understand that, you know, we have to have like a cohesive. Uh, we have to have conversation and have a cohesive society. And so they’re trying to, they’re trying to stop that altogether. I really think that that’s like, like the, the, the number one step and then they can come in and they can, um, take away your guns and take away your rights and take away all this kind [00:17:00] of stuff. [00:17:00] Because when you try to like marginalize, um, like a group of people who love freedom and all this kind of stuff and make them, make them the bad guys, peer pressure starts to kick in. Right. They’re like, Oh, well, you know, maybe, you know, free speech isn’t a good thing. Maybe we shouldn’t say these words. [00:17:17] Maybe we should, you know, really be more considerate of other people. But they also like, they also twist a lot of stuff too. And it’s, it’s like half truths and full lies. Right. So, um, one of the really common ones that they say is like, you know, love your neighbor. Right. It’s in the Bible. Love your neighbor. [00:17:35] But really, they’re really only taking like part of that. It’s like, love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind, and love your neighbor as you love yourself, right? And so you’re supposed to love God and love your neighbor as you love yourself. And if you do love yourself. You’re not going to, like, cut your dick off. [00:17:52] You’re not going to let your neighbor cut your dick off. Right? Like, let’s see what’s going on. [00:18:00] Right. And above all, if you love God, you won’t even think about any of those things. Because you’ll understand, you know. Right. When you’re created in His image. So, yeah, you know, it’s so true that I, well, the devil’s been doing that since the beginning though, right? [00:18:15] Twisting the word, twisting uh, things, uh, to make To make people it’s pull them off track. Um, yeah, it was Genesis. He said did god really say yes Yeah I don’t know if you saw this the other day. Um On social media that I noticed this was on tiktok It was a video and it kind of exploded I posted over on instagram but like it was a video on tiktok a girl who noticed there was a I don’t know. [00:18:45] Another girl making videos about, uh, her boyfriend was golfing and he wasn’t back yet. And where was he? And he wasn’t answering the phone calls and stuff like this. And then, so this girl showed the video cause she saw these comments [00:19:00] and she showed the video to her boyfriend and he didn’t. See the same comments as she got. [00:19:05] In fact, they were completely opposite comments that she saw were all from the girl’s perspective. You know, uh, what’s he out doing anyway? You got to dump that guy or whatever. And then like the, the guy’s perspective, it was all, you know, well, she doesn’t, uh, she doesn’t, she needs to like, you know, you know, be grateful for him. [00:19:24] And it was just, it was very wild. And it goes, goes back to like some of that division and the weird stuff that they’re watching on social media right now is, is I’ve been saying for a while, I feel like we’re in two, like not two, but everybody’s in their own individual alternate realities. They’ve got algorithms, not only impacting the content that you see in your feed, but now we know because she discovered this on, on tick tock, like they got algorithms determining what comments you see, which is wild. [00:19:56] And nobody’s ever seen this before. And I’m, to [00:20:00] me, I just, this is proof of it. Well, that. Thing has been viewed millions of times. I don’t know how many over on instagram So it’s shot through the roof, but it’s funny to watch it’s actually it’s like this weird like Inception thing like it’s it’s like a bubble inside of a bubble where like people are actually getting They’re getting down They’re interacting in the comments about this thing that they notice And their comments that they’re seeing are different and they’re like everybody’s at each other in there which is wild to watch and I almost wanted to like Take it down and turn it off because like It is it’s it’s doing the opposite of what I wanted it to do is to show people look you’re being manipulated you’re being screwed with Um, and it’s almost like some can see it, but some can’t I mean the people that posting stuff are like duh This is the algorithm. [00:20:46] This isn’t an alternate reality. I mean you’re you’re being stupid and it’s like i keep thinking to myself You’re missing the part That’s big here is that you don’t know what’s real and what isn’t anymore because you’re in the matrix, you’re inside of it, [00:21:00] and I guess you can’t tell somebody that they’re inside of the matrix when they’re inside of it. [00:21:06] They have to somehow see that for themselves, they have to have that moment. Gotta go back to what you were talking about, they have to have that wake up process, that awakening, they couldn’t see it, some of them did, but to me it was proof, this is the kind of thing that we’re seeing, and here’s the thing that got me, which is wild, and you’re, you’re a young guy, regardless of what you say, so, um, I’ll ask you, but like, You imagine like this is what’s happening now without a I what happens when a I gets like really firing on all cylinders and gets involved. [00:21:38] I can’t imagine the world. I got two young kids. I can’t imagine where that takes us. [00:21:47] Yeah, that’s a lot. That’s a lot deeper of a conversation. Uh, I think That people are seeing the dangers of AI. And so I’ve personally, I know of a couple of projects that [00:22:00] haven’t necessarily been launched yet, but are trying to combat the negative sides of AI. So they’re trying to like use it to help human flourishing instead of human division. [00:22:10] Right. So, cause ultimately technology is supposed to make our life easier and better. For example, like we’ve never met in person, but we got connected. Through social media. Now I’m on your radio show. Like that’s fantastic. Like unbelievable, but the algorithms that are like dividing us, even by the comment sections that we’re seeing, to be honest, it’s kind of ironic because left always says, Hey, you know, we’re at, you guys are in a, um, an echo chamber, but then the same, like people who are saying that are creating the echo chambers for us. [00:22:44] So, um, I, I don’t think that there is like, uh, like all is lost. There is hope. There is stuff that’s, that’s happening. That’s really good. For example, Elon Musk taking over X and making it a free speech platform. [00:23:00] Um, I don’t like everything that Elon’s done, but I think that having that medium really is changing the world. [00:23:06] Um, especially with, uh, Grok and, uh, XAI that’s, that’s coming out. Like it’s, it’s, I think it, I think those things are going to be really, really good. I don’t know if you saw this, but there’s also a whole bunch of problems with, uh, some of the AIs that are coming out. Did you see that, uh, the Google AI, uh, Gemini, they were learning based on Reddit? [00:23:28] And what? Okay. One of my one of my favorite accounts on on X is Reddit lies. Go look at some of his Google Gemini posts because it’s pulling from from Reddit and people will be people will be asking Google questions. And then on the top section of Google, it has like the AI, right? And so it’s like, it answers the question for you, just based on like, a whole bunch of machine learning through all of their search engines and websites, all that kind of stuff. [00:23:53] But Transcribed They are, um, yeah. So if you, if you look up, uh, like [00:24:00] Google Gemini through him, um, he was posting about it probably like a week ago. So maybe it won’t be recent, but, uh, it was given the most, the craziest. Answers to like really common questions. [00:24:17] Let’s try and see if we can find it here. Um, yeah, it lies. Uh, AI lies big time. Um, yeah, let’s see. Is this it? I wonder how much of Google Gemini was trained on that 60 minutes. Pedophiles and rapists? Yeah, yeah, it’s, it’s given the most like outlandish answers. Um, I couldn’t give you an example off the top of my head, but I was just like dying laughing when I saw this. [00:24:43] Because like, it was like really kind of like innocent questions. Um, yeah. Um, there was one where I won’t admit to pedophilia is wrong and that are you find argued that pedophiles are not evil. Yeah. So there’s, there’s, there’s stuff like that where it’s like crazy [00:25:00] and evil, but then there’s also stuff where, um, people were asking about like fruits and vegetables and it was like referencing this. [00:25:08] Reddit page and it was saying that like, I can’t even remember, but it was just, it was just wild. You know, it’s, what’s interesting to me is that, um, and, and with AI, well, like it’s, it’s technology, right? So it’s any technology goes back to, you know, uh, firearms. Fire, electricity, any, anything could be used good or bad. [00:25:33] It’s the intent. It’s the user. Um, and, uh, Edison used to say with electricity, it could cook the man or it could cook his meal. So, I mean, like, there, there are, there are these, these different ways to look at things. And I, I’m with you. Like, I think AI can do some amazing things. Um, but, yeah. I know that if, if, if we don’t understand it and have a proper, uh, respect of it, just like a firearm, something like that, then it’s, it, it can end really badly. [00:25:59] [00:26:00] We need to understand how it works and we need to understand what it is. I saw the other day, I saw a meta Facebook is using it. And I thought it was kind of interesting. The ones that I’ve seen, It looked like that they were working well, but I’ve seen some that didn’t work well. That they’re using it to explain above the comment section, what people are saying in the comment section, what they’re agreeing with, what they’re arguing about and like the nuance of it. [00:26:24] And I thought, well, that’s kind of interesting. It’s kind of like a too long, didn’t read, not going to get into the comment section. I’m just going to see what people were saying, but also that can be manipulated because it can tell you this is, this is where sentiment is. And a lot of them are. Swayed we’re persuaded by what? [00:26:41] sentiment might be on certain things. Well, if everybody thinks this, it must be true. So, so you have all of these different aspects of it that I think, you know, are are concerning. Um, I don’t know where it’s going, but again, um, I know it’s gonna be, I’ve used it and use it in some Some ways to [00:27:00] produce content. [00:27:00] I mean, right now I’ve got, I’ve got the software. I can, I could make an AI me and make me say things, make you say things that we never said, which is, I mean, we knew that going into this election, deep fakes, things like that were going to be a problem. We’re going to see any of that before we, and in a massive way before we get through this thing. [00:27:23] I mean, reality is already strange enough. I don’t think we, yeah. He didn’t eat any deep fakes, but do you think we’re going to see stuff like that really play a big role in 24? I don’t think so. They’ve tried to do that with some smaller characters. I think potentially as a test run, I don’t know if you saw the athletic director for a school in the Midwest or something like that, but yeah. [00:27:45] So he was like, there was an AI voice recording of him and he was saying some like outlandish stuff and it was proved to be AI, but I don’t know. And so because of that, people are starting to get conditioned and they’re even like, even some of the Biden clips that, [00:28:00] that I’m putting up, um, they’re saying, Hey, is it, this is AI, this is fake. [00:28:03] This doesn’t, you know, this doesn’t match. And, you know, I happen to know that it’s not AI and it’s actually real. Um, but there’s, there’s a level of distrust. In, in AI, which I think is actually good, um, because of all the nefarious stuff that can happen with it, um, potentially they’ll try to do something like, I don’t know if you saw, but there’s like a transcript of Trump saying the N word. [00:28:27] I don’t think that’s true. They might try to produce like an AI recording of it and like, we’ll just knock it down. Um, to be honest, I don’t even care if he said it. I’m just going to record. And, but, but that’s the other side of this too. That’s really interesting. It was like something that did happen. And you think about as, as horrific as it might be, but you, people may not ever actually believe it or buy into it partially because we’re in our own little alternate, uh, universes, but also because we don’t believe any of this stuff. [00:28:59] Who can [00:29:00] you trust anymore? I can’t believe, I can’t believe anything. And the people that say that, you know, trust me, I’ve got the answers. Probably don’t. Right. Yeah, right, right. So you got it. Like, I feel like people are, especially people on the right, they’re coming at this with like a level of discernment. [00:29:18] Sometimes they’re like too much and they just don’t trust anybody and they think everyone’s controlled opposition or, you know, someone’s pulling the strings and, you know, Trump’s controlled up, Javier Millet’s controlled up, like, um, uh, who’s the guy from Holland? He’s like, I mean, you can go down that rabbit hole, but I just I don’t think that’s like realistic. [00:29:39] I I think of it like, okay Um, like have you ever tried to like manage? People, you know, how freaking hard it is to keep a story straight, to keep a story straight on, on really anything like, yeah, I don’t, I don’t think that that’s the [00:30:00] case. Uh, lots of stuff we could talk about and I know you’re going to be headed here to Michigan here in a couple of weeks and folks can, can come out and be a part of the people’s convention. [00:30:10] There are still chances they’ve got here in Michigan for folks to get in for free. Um, and we’ll put those up in the links as, as well too. But you are, uh, you’re all over, you’re online. Where can people keep up with you? And maybe I know they just got a taste today, but Gentry, what’s the best way for them to follow you online and find out where you’re going to be? [00:30:29] Um, so I’m on, uh, Instagram, eggs, Tik TOK, YouTube threads. Um, I’m on rumble too. I don’t really post on there. Uh, but if you just search Gentry Jeever, sometimes you have to spell my name correct because they try to hide me in the, in the search, um, but follow me there, uh, and keep up. And if you are at, uh, the Turning Point thing next weekend, the People’s Convention, come up and say hi. [00:30:55] I’d love to meet you. Absolutely. Well, thank you for taking the time [00:31:00] and, uh, I, I, uh, looking forward to talking to you, uh, and maybe bumping into you there at the People’s Convention. That’d be great. Thanks, Justin. I appreciate you. [00:31:08] [00:31:08] [00:32:00] [00:33:00] [00:34:00] [00:35:00] [00:36:00] [00:37:00] [00:38:00] [00:39:00]