85,000 Missing Kids: The Whistleblower Who Tried to Stop It
What happens when the U.S. government lets known gang members sponsor unaccompanied minors crossing the southern border?
Aaron Stevenson knows — because he was there.

A Marine Corps vet and former DHS intel analyst, Aaron risked everything to expose a system that failed the most vulnerable. He discovered that criminal networks — including MS-13 and international cartels — were exploiting the federal child sponsorship program to traffic kids into the U.S. And when he tried to sound the alarm? He was ignored… then fired.
In our latest episode, Aaron shares:
How 85,000 migrant children went missing
Why multiple federal agencies turned a blind eye
His personal journey from whistleblower to man of faith
Why this fight isn’t over — and what you can do to help
This story is dark, disturbing, and real. But it’s not without hope — because people like Aaron are still fighting. But he needs your help too.
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[00:00:00] Aaron: that was my kind of turning point I’m sticking with this thing. When I blew the whistle, and I did it on three different things, but I, I was getting fired. I knew that, and my, my goal was like, all right, well, I did the right thing in life. You know, I, I exposed evil, I did whatever. [00:00:14] Aaron: I’m gonna go be a garbage man. I’m gonna go, just enjoy my life now, raise my kids and just, you know, have a simple life. You know, I’m, I’m done with this thing. When I met Tara, I was like, the hell I am. There ain’t no way in how, I can walk away from this because I know what the government’s like. [00:00:45] Justin: Welcome, and today’s show is very important at a topic that we’ve heard a lot about lately in recent years, but tends to get buried. Underneath the rug. Even in a brand new Trump administration where it’s like drinking from a fire hose on the [00:01:00] daily, we’re constantly being bombarded by story after story news piece after news, but a lot of it good news, but some things still are, are being left maybe. [00:01:10] Justin: Uh, Les talked about one of those, uh, is, is definitely in the spotlight with our, our guest today, uh, whistleblower, Aaron Stevenson, who’s gonna talk about exactly what he’s experienced, what he’s seen behind the scenes, and what he’s been a part of, and why he’s so passionate about getting the word out about this, but actually not just getting the word out, but getting solutions. [00:01:34] Justin: Saving folks who are some of the most, the least of these, really, some of the folks most vulnerable. Aaron, welcome in Whistleblower. We know a little bit of your story, but you know, I’ve had a chance to talk a little bit behind the scenes previously. I think it’d be a really good place here for you, just maybe to explain your background, who you are and how you. [00:01:54] Justin: Made the news as a whistleblower. [00:01:56] Aaron: Sure. Um, and obviously if, [00:02:00] if anything needs to be expanded on, just tell me to stop. Sure. I might go back in time, so you can always, you know, pull the brakes on me. Okay. So my background, um, I joined the Marine Corps of High School in, uh, July, 2001. Um, obviously nine 11 was right after that. [00:02:13] Aaron: And then my career in the Marine Corps kind of, you know, really began. Right. Um, ended up going to Iraq three times. I did two Enlistments as a Marine. Intelligence background. And then, uh, I basically got out after two enlistments. That was the decision point to either like, you know, I’m gonna go lifer or I’m not. [00:02:30] Aaron: And I was like, late twenties. I had two kids. I’m like, I’m not, I’m not a believer too much anymore. I just didn’t like the way the wars were going. I thought I felt could be more aggressive in a lot of ways. And I was like, well, I still wanna swim my country. I still wanna do like the intelligence, you know, industry. [00:02:44] Aaron: I liked that a lot. I thought I was pretty good at it. And, um, I tried becoming a Fed and I had no background, so I kept getting like denials across every application I put in. So from that, I, um, contracted for two and a half years in Afghanistan. Went there three times. [00:03:00] Um, that was 20 10, 20 11, 20 12. I. So my background basically is intelligence and, you know, war. [00:03:06] Aaron: So it’s either counter, counter uncertainty, um, supporting targeted raid, supporting, you know, all types of o of operations. Then finally, um, I got a job offer from DHS to do like vetting operations or screening operations. And this was told the cat was gonna appear and this was, um. Basically was working for CBP, but it wasn’t under the flagpole.

[00:03:30] Aaron: CP it gets kind of nerdy and, and, and boring, whatever, but in brevity, um, I was working at this place called the National Target Center, and our job there was to like literally vet aliens that were coming in the country. I. And because our background, my unit primarily looked at Afghans and Iraqis coming in through either the refugee program or you know, certain visa programs. [00:03:50] Aaron: And we would go and just like, you know, yeah, that guy’s tied to Al-Qaeda, that guy’s tied to Taliban. That guy’s got a friend in, you know, county network. And we would just have to, you know, give some kind of [00:04:00] assessment on who these people really are. And that was horrible. Um, a lot of these people that were coming in that we could prove we’re legitimate bad guys. [00:04:09] Aaron: We couldn’t prevent them coming in because they had legal admissibility from, you know, the immigration authorities to enter the country. And so after working there for like about 18 months, I was like, this is a problem. This is not, this is not good. This is something that, you know, we should be doing. And my boss was telling me, as well as the other officers at CBP, um, they explained to me basically like, yeah, well this is, you know, this is the system, this is how it works. [00:04:35] Aaron: Like once they get clearance from either USCS or State Department. Or they can get into the country because they’ve got the travel documents. So I’m like, okay, so the problem’s at U-S-C-I-S, the problem’s at their initial, you know, entrance into this immigration enterprise. And, you know, I was a little naive and I was like, I’m gonna go there and I’ll make, you know, a good effect and I’ll be a good employee there and I’ll stop bad guys coming into the country. [00:04:58] Aaron: And so I enter [00:05:00] U-S-C-I-S as a federal employee in 2014, and like right away you can see it’s just, it’s inefficient. It was ineffective. It doesn’t do a good job at. Using the very little teeth that it has to get bad guys from not entering the country. So, long story short, um, I was there for about six at this point. [00:05:19] Aaron: That was 2014. I was there for about six more years. That was a very turbulent timeframe. This is the end of Obama’s second term. This is during the first Trump administration and then 2020. And that was kind of my moment of like kind of change as a whole. Overall, um, I think 2020 all had an impact on everybody. [00:05:37] Aaron: Um, and we already knew we were being lied to. And I’m not saying like, you know, that was like the major red pill moment. We’ve already been kind of aware of generally the establishments, you know, control of this country, et cetera. But this was my point in time when I decided I’m either going to, um, you know, like, I don’t know, just not do anything or anything, I guess. [00:05:58] Aaron: And that was my line of departure. I was like, no, I’m not [00:06:00] gonna just, I’m not just gonna sit around anymore. I’d already tried, you know, blowing the whistle internally. I. Numerous problems that we were seeing and they always just get stopped or shut down or, you know, professional retribution or whatever it is that was happening to us. [00:06:16] Aaron: And so, um, I just made my decision of like, I’m not gonna do it anymore. If, if I see something bad, I’ll try to fix it, but I’m not gonna just drop it at the answer is no. So here’s the story about child trafficking now, um, in February, 2021. For the first time in, in my timeframe as an analyst for U-S-C-I-S, we received this, uh, official notice that, um, what there one of these people coming across the border, like all these illegals, you know, they hit certain, um, I’m trying to, not to sound too nerdy and sound too fed right now. [00:06:49] Aaron: There’s a lot of guys on this thing called a watch list, right? And there’s, there’s many kinds of watch lists. Well, one of ’em was called the transnational Organized Crime Watch list or the talk watch list. And this is what tracks your [00:07:00] cartels. This is what tracks your MS 13, your at street gang. Right? And this, this watch, this program had been around for like about five, six years and I was on it from, from the inception, so I know what’s going on. [00:07:11] Aaron: We all know how this mission works. We know the data flow. We’re good. But for the first time, throughout this entire duration, this is February, 2021, we see that one of these aliens in the talk watch list was trying to sponsor an unaccompanied child. And I’m not gonna lie to you, I had no idea what any of those things meant at first because my job never dealt with unaccompanied children. [00:07:31] Aaron: You know, this is, they don’t have any kind of, um, actual like, working flow with U-S-C-I-S. It’s just the way immigration works. Um, so I didn’t know what it meant at first, and then I saw one again a month later in March of 2021. I saw the second one, I was just like, you know, I recognized the code. I recognized like, okay, I saw that previously. [00:07:49] Aaron: What was that again? And so I searched for it and I can only find those two encounters from, again, March and February, 2021. And it just, you know, for me it was like a moment of like, [00:08:00] okay, so what is this thing? Like this is new. If we normally, all these encounters we see, they’re like, you know, a law enforcement arrest. [00:08:07] Aaron: It could be an immigration enforcement action. It could be, you know, a cop pulled a guy over, whatever. Right? But this is the first time we saw these things and I asked around my work being like, do we deal with unaccompanied dealing children? Is this something that like, is in our, is in our wheelhouse? [00:08:22] Aaron: Because we’re getting two notices here that we, MS 13 members are sponsoring these kids. And I just, I don’t know. I don’t know what that looks like. So I’m just, you know, hey, like, who’s smarter than me here? And everybody was just like, Nope, we don’t deal with that. Okay. Then a third one comes in a month later, so this is now February, March, April, 2021, and there was three of these notices saying like an 18th Street member, an MS 13 member. [00:08:48] Aaron: Then in April was a Romanian dude from a Balkan crime group who entered the country illegally and was trying to sponsor one of these kids, and that one that, that was the one for me where I was like, okay, something’s going on then, because this is now [00:09:00] three in three months, these are happening from three different gangs that came from three different parts of the world. [00:09:05] Aaron: This was a [00:09:06] Justin: three gangs, organized crime, uh, members sponsoring unaccompanied minor minors to come [00:09:13] Aaron: in. Yeah. And again, that, that was the part where I was like, okay, something is happening and I have no idea what this looks like. I have no idea what it is yet. So now I start calling around beyond U-S-C-I-S ’cause clearly there’s no, there’s nothing there from U-S-C-I-S. [00:09:26] Aaron: There’s no point in trying to press that any further. So I contact other elements of, uh, the talk working group, the transnational Instagram working group. Other elements of the US immigration enterprise, you know, CBP and ICE and D-H-S-I-N-A and reach out to DOJ. I’m also looking online at like the, the top secret websites. [00:09:45] Aaron: The secret websites or on classified websites, looking for reporting, looking for like analysis to being like, Hey, watch out for this trend. Or, Hey, we’re seeing an uptick of this happening and there’s nothing at all. And now I’m seeing one of these things every four weeks. So May, June, and by this [00:10:00] point in time. [00:10:01] Aaron: I reached out to Project Veritas. They, you know, I was working with a journalist and I’m giving these things being like, dude, these, these are all illegals. They’ve all been previously deported. They’re all trying to use the defensive asylum to stay in the country. Like something’s happening here. I don’t know what it is, but like, this is clearly child trafficking. [00:10:19] Aaron: Like they’re getting the, they’re spot, they’re trying to, to literally legally like, take hold of a child and they’re in gangs. Like this is not, this isn’t even like analysis anymore. This is black and white. You know, like a line on chart type thing. Long story short, they couldn’t find anything. They were like, yeah, we’re not seeing anything at all, dude. [00:10:36] Aaron: We have no information on this story. We have, um, reach out to other sources. No one can, you know. All we have is like what you’re seeing right now and just, you know, basically doing simple math. I’m looking at the border crossings per month, which is like at this point in time, you know, like a quarter million per month that we know about this watch list is only 40,000 strong because the US government caps it so it can’t get eclipse 40,000 people.[00:11:00] [00:11:00] Aaron: And also I know that if you’re on defensive asylum, you’re actually supposed to come off this watch list. It was part of the process, the way they did things. So I’m looking at it just understanding as, okay. This is a bigger problem than I realize. I don’t quite know what’s going on, but I know it’s nothing good and I’m pushing on the pushing on them. [00:11:18] Aaron: Project Veritas, Jims and Keith, they agreed to the interview with me. Um, and we set that for July of 2021. So right before this interview, right before I go travel to go see them, um, D-H-S-I-N-A, and that stands for Intelligence and Analysis. This is like the, the Intel component for DHS. So they’re representative, these are the representatives that go to the intelligence community. [00:11:39] Aaron: They’re part of that group, right? They publish a document called a collection primer. And in this thing is what they, what they’re saying. As for, for DHS, well, we care about collecting information on for international gangs. In this document it was all about guns and drugs. There was like nothing about child trafficking, nothing about human trafficking, nothing about human smuggling. [00:11:58] Aaron: Nothing at all. [00:12:00] And that was the point where I was like, okay, that kind of understands that. I kind of get it now a little bit. Why no one knows what I’m talking about. I kind of understand a little bit why like not one office I’ve reached out to. Is seeing anything at all because we’re not trying to look for it. [00:12:13] Aaron: I understand. It’s not the priority. Yeah, they’re they’re [00:12:16] Justin: not. [00:12:16] Aaron: Yeah. Same time though also no one’s going like, no, I work for the DOJ. What are you talking about? Like, no one was either inquisitive either. So my, my now understanding, my decision making was, okay, this is gonna have to go out. Yeah. To American people. [00:12:31] Aaron: They gotta know what’s going on. But also like, this has to reach further people down than I can reach right now. I can only reach like my little orbit, my little influence area, and I have to get someone down the chain that can see this thing that’s happening. So that was my goal was to like, yeah, tell America what’s going on, but also like, is anybody else seeing this? [00:12:48] Aaron: Who else is working on this that can see this thing? Because these are gang members. These are straight up sex trafficking operations. So luckily, um, can I stop you [00:12:58] Justin: there for just one [00:13:00] second and ask you, Aaron, because we were walking through this and, uh, you can see the screen right now. You’re watching the, the behind the scenes, uh, video. [00:13:08] Justin: On this portion you’ll see this is the Project Veritas. This is the actual, uh, October 18th, 2021. This is the blog piece and, uh, the video, et cetera from. From that time when you sat down with James O’Keefe as a whistleblower. Um, so, so let me ask you who are these, because you know, when people hear these stories, I think now, and now be because you’ve come out because so many others have started to get this ball rolling as well. [00:13:38] Justin: And we’ve seen it become part of the conversation, whether it be a part of movies or. Um, just, it’s, it’s now understood a little bit of the, the, who are these kids though? Who are the children? Um, we know as you, you’ve told us that MS 13 or it was a another gang in another area, uh, [00:14:00] this does not sound like it’s isolated. [00:14:01] Justin: It sounds like it’s happening all over the world. It’s not isolated to one geographic location. This is something that, it’s so hideous, it’s so vile that probably a lot of people don’t wanna pay attention or look at it. Maybe that’s why it falls under the cracks, but who are these, these kids and. And, and help us maybe paint the picture of what’s happening there. [00:14:22] Aaron: Yeah, so it’s also organized too. That’s a big part of it. So, um, the unaccompanied child program is a specific government program. That it’s, it’s legal definition is, um, children, so under the age of 18 who are in the country or arrive at the border without, um, without any like, legal status. So they have no immigration, you know, like Visa or they’re not a LPR. [00:14:46] Aaron: They’re not a, they’re legal aliens basically. And by law, they have no family in the country. So that’s one part of it that’s supposed to actually take place, which is. They’re not supposed to have any family in the country. They’re just here by themselves, and the sponsors are [00:15:00] supposed to be like, you know, good hearted Americans, whatever. [00:15:02] Aaron: Well, that, that’s the actual legal definition of this thing. What occurred in the last administration from 2021 through, you know, 2025, this past January? It was different. They called it a family reunification effort, and this was, okay, these kids arrive at the border and they go to their. Already present family inside the country who are like illegal as well, pretty much. [00:15:21] Aaron: And that’s, that’s like the classification of who the children are. So who are the actual children? Um, mathematically, statistically, they follow a trend and there’s basically four countries that basically dominate the, um, the population of these kids, first and foremost is Guatemala, which on average is around like 38 to 42%. [00:15:41] Aaron: Going back like I would say, I think 5, 6, 7 years now. And then below that it’s, I think Honduras, then El Salvador, and then Mexico. And these, these numbers always kinda hit the same numbers every year. So every year, typically, like 42% of ’em are gonna be Guatemalan, like [00:16:00] 20 something percent Honduran, 20 something percent El Salvador, and like 15% Mexican or something like that. [00:16:05] Aaron: And this is like every single year. It’s now the question also, Liz, since they’re allegedly going into a family reunification program. Okay. Well, we can also look at border crossings over the year as well though of these alleged family members, because you would think that this would follow some kind of a trend if it’s always gonna be 42%, 20%, 20%. [00:16:26] Aaron: You might see a, a pattern for the adults then too. Right. And there’s not, right. You know, throughout the years, like this ebbs and flows of the adult populations coming across. It could be an increase in Venezuelans and then Cubans, and then a Lola Mexicans, and then a big increase in Africans. And then, so the kids are coming in from a simple stream, but the adult population is just all over the place. [00:16:46] Justin: Mm-hmm. [00:16:48] Aaron: That sticks out as one of one of two things. It’s either one. Um, it’s a simple logistical, you know, like, well, you know, those countries are closer than like South America, Africa, south Asia. [00:17:00] That’s why it’s easier for them to get the kids across to be with their families. Okay. Or same argument. And now trafficking, that’s where the kids are. [00:17:08] Aaron: And that’s shorter and easier to get these kids to go trap them in this country. And you can go really deep in the stats with this thing. The, uh, the boys outnumber the girls, I think around like a ratio about four to one. So yeah, labor trafficking is more populous than sex trafficking, and that matches up with four to one ratio of labor to sex trafficking in this country. [00:17:28] Justin: So what are they, when you say labor trafficking, what are these boys being brought to do? Is it construction? Is it manufacturing? Is it, uh, agriculture [00:17:41] Aaron: labor? So more than likely not gonna be, um. Any kind of like complex machinery or, you know, uh, I would say like anything beyond, ’cause I mean, being carpenter’s not easy. [00:17:51] Aaron: So if they’re, if they’re in construction, you’re, you’re talking just like, you know, you’re, you’re just carry heavy object over there. Start moving boxes, start moving, you know that, right? [00:18:00] Typically it’s gonna be simple. Um, simple labor, easy processing, easy egg farming. Uh, I know they work inside of slaughterhouses. [00:18:08] Aaron: And we have stories of this and we know it’s happening because these kids are losing their limbs. One kid in Virginia lost an arm. One kid got like pulled into a, um, like a chicken Deb boner machine kid got killed. So like that’s what I mean by, you know, the labor trafficking part. They’re, yes. Some of these kids wanna come here because they are under the assumption. [00:18:27] Aaron: They’ll make a lot of money that they can provide for the family, but once they get here, they’re handled by the traffickers. So and so they’re working 18 hours a day. [00:18:34] Justin: I’m trying to picture the guy, you know, in the meme and he’s got all the, the things connected on the board behind with the string and everything. [00:18:42] Justin: That’s what I’m trying to do in my brain right now as we think about this. So Aaron, um, what, how does the organized crime part of this work? Um, they send the kids. In and, uh, particularly for labor, uh, even, [00:19:00] I guess even the sex trafficking as well. Does money have to come back from the kids to the organized crime, uh, or gang syndicates to the, does the money have to come back to them, uh, while they’re working here in, in essence, they’re, they’re slaves or, uh, is there money that’s. [00:19:21] Justin: Paid up front. And how, how does the, how does the, the, the financial flow work here? [00:19:26] Aaron: So in brevity, yes. Right. What, what you just said, for all those things in brevity, like Yeah, that’s how it works. Because trafficking is a process. It’s not just like, you know, it’s not just kid getting raped this entire ordeal. [00:19:37] Aaron: It starts off in their home country when they get the three elements for trafficking, which is fraud, um, fraud force or coercion. So they’re lying to the family or the family selling off the kid. But oftentimes this happens quite a bit. Uh, the cartels or the trafficking networks in these areas of, you know, the back countries of El Salvador or in the cities of, you know, Guatemala, whatever, they’ll take, um, [00:20:00] the property as like, as like a lien for this kid to then pay off his debt. [00:20:05] Aaron: Right? But, you know, they say like, yeah, you’ll make like 20 bucks a day, which is a lot of money, or you’ll make. You know, $7 an hour, which is a lot of money, and this is obviously false. So once the kid leaves, then they basically own like a sword over the family. If this was, you know, if the kid wasn’t sold off in the first place. [00:20:24] Aaron: So the family now is kind of desperate because they can’t fight that could do anything because they might lose their home, their business, their property, et cetera. Once the kid, um, gets in the smoking route through the country. Um, obviously there’s the entire ordeal in that process and all the sexual abuse there, but once they hit the border, they now fall in the hands of the US government. [00:20:43] Aaron: So DHS takes control of ’em for three days. And, and I’m gonna be talking now specifically about the, the Biden administration, not the second Trump administration, because there have been changes and there have been good effect and good changes there. But for three days, these kids would be with DHS. And this [00:21:00] was simple just like getting ready to move pieces. [00:21:02] Aaron: Then by law, DHS transfers them to the custody of HHS. And then HHS has to then, you know, find their sponsor. Well, they’re not just like, you know, flipping the phone book, looking for a sponsor, or there’s not like just a, a general like, you know, hey, who’s next in the bucket for a sponsor? Yeah, the kid ar the kid arrives with that phone number, with that point of contact. [00:21:22] Aaron: So now here’s the, here’s the intelligence gap. Okay. So is that established in home country or is that established in route? Is that already kind of pre, pre controlled by the cartels before this even begins? Yeah, more than likely. I. Because a lot of these kids don’t know who their sponsor is, but they’ve got the, you know, a, a sharpie, you know, number on their shirt or a piece of paper saying like, this is who my sponsor’s gonna be. [00:21:45] Aaron: HHS takes that information, calls a sponsor. This is again, first Biden or the, the Biden administration, basically zero background check. Um, and then they shipped the kid off within like 10 to 14 days. That was, that was how they were to do things. [00:22:00] And then of course. This is what led to the eventual, um, disclosures by, you know, Tara Oas w White Meyer Moreno, um, where they were describing the case management process. [00:22:10] Aaron: It’s not controlled at all, and they began blowing the whistle as well. They were the ones who saw my disclosure and they were like, you know, oh my gosh. Like we, we thought we were seeing trafficking. We saw signs of it, but this dude, he’s saying that was me. He was saying that, you know, this is going to MSS 13. [00:22:27] Aaron: This is going to 18th Street gang. Then they changed their methodology, their approach to case management. And like right away they were like, that dude was MS 13. And then, you know, Debbie gets sent back home, uh, my or, um, Tara gets walked off her position, off her site. Everyone knows her story. Um, her story goes public in 2022. [00:22:47] Aaron: And then, you know, con congressional investigations, I guess like wrapped up or finished. And this began the whole, I think it was in March or April of 20 23, 80 5,000 missing kids. Yeah. Um, I, I got fired in [00:23:00] February, 2023. Uh, I met Tara and I started doing the whole like, you know, okay, okay, I need to know everything that, you know, Tara, like, tell me what’s going on. [00:23:09] Aaron: Um, and then that was my kind of turning point to, uh, you know, like, I’m sticking with this thing. When I blew the whistle, and I did it on three different things, but I, I was getting fired. I knew that, and my, my goal was like, all right, well, I did the right thing in life. You know, I, I exposed evil, I did whatever. [00:23:26] Aaron: I’m gonna go be a garbage man. I’m gonna go, just enjoy my life now, raise my kids and just, you know, have a simple life. You know, I’m, I’m done with this thing. When I met Tara, I was like, the hell I am. There ain’t no way in how, there’s no way. I can walk away from this because I know what the government’s like. [00:23:42] Aaron: Even if you put in, you know, a good president, even if when he puts in a, you know, good cabinet, doesn’t matter. Your, your policy’s your personnel and I know that, you know, they might have good effect. They might have some good supervisors. Doesn’t matter because you know, the, the work has to get done. And that’s where [00:24:00] I constantly harp on people nowadays of, you know, don’t just celebrate because we won the presidency. [00:24:05] Aaron: Don’t just celebrate because. We have a good, you know, executive back in place with a good cabinet. [00:24:10] Justin: Mm-hmm. [00:24:10] Aaron: It’s, that’s still policy guys. You, you have to have people in those roles doing those jobs. Um, so yeah. Long story short, sorry I’m rambling now. Long story short, [00:24:19] Justin: well this is, this is where the real work begins, to your point. [00:24:21] Justin: I mean, this is, this is where, uh, we actually have to follow through. It’s not enough just to win an election. [00:24:28] Aaron: No, I, I totally agree. And, and again, I, and I have confidence and I’ve, I’m not obviously anything official with the administration would make that I don’t work for them. Um, but you know, I’m in the peripherals. [00:24:37] Aaron: I work with several different groups trying to do proper things. Um, I do see where the direction’s going. It, it’s good. It, there’s a good start effect always though comes, you know, once it’s in place. Right. Um, just ’cause you have a good plan doesn’t mean it’s gonna be a good follow through. So I’m, I’m looking forward to it. [00:24:57] Aaron: Um, I, I do think it’s gonna get there. I know it’s a [00:25:00] priority. I’ve heard the president talk about it. I’ve heard the vice president talk about it. I’ve heard, uh, Mr. Holman, the border are, I know he’s serious about it because he talks about these things at a pretty deep level. Yeah. Um, so I know the apparatus is there. [00:25:12] Aaron: Uh, secretary known for DHS my understanding, she’s all on board. So this isn’t a problem at that kind of level. Um, it’s just, you know, I, I’m also a Marine, so I see things with every, everything I see is, you know, urgency. Urgency, urgency. Yeah. So. I’m never positive. It’s also one of my biases. I’m a negative bias. [00:25:31] Aaron: Things are going in the right direction, which is good. Yeah. And most importantly, and this is the important part, they, they’ve taking control of the border. So now like leading has been ceased. Like they’ve taken all that, no more kids are coming in this way. Right? Even the kids that do enter this program, there’s now mandatory DNA testing. [00:25:47] Aaron: There’s now mandatory fingerprint, you know, processing. So that aspect’s better now. Um, so I know it’s gonna be, you know, it’s, there’s a method, there’s a ma, you know, there’s a, there’s a way of doing things. I can see it [00:26:00] happening. I say, okay, that’s good. I know that we still have [00:26:02] Justin: a lot of the kids that are still here that have come through. [00:26:05] Justin: Do those years that have to be accounted for and reunited with their families. Yeah. Um, that are still being, uh, abused today and, uh, and taken advantage of. One of the things I know that you’ve talked about and Senator Grassley is calling on, uh, uh, folks like Attorney General, Pam Bonde, an FBI, director, Kesh Patel, uh, and others to review whistleblower retaliation information, which is what gonna ha this is what happened to you. [00:26:34] Justin: Um, in the same scenario. These folks, a lot of them, um, were, and and you’re included heroes for standing up and shining a line on this type of thing. So I know you’ve looked at this and, and it’s one of the things you’ve talked about is being reinstated, um, in what that would do. What does that do, uh, to someone like you if you’re reinstated, if you’re able to go back in and, [00:27:00] and help be a part of actually cleaning this up and taking care of the, the things that, uh, you helped shine a light on. [00:27:06] Aaron: Um, well, so for the, the, the exact reinstatement, which is again, I’m not gonna lie to you, I’m, I’m seeking that, I’m asking that very clearly. Um, what that does is allows me to get, to go, get back to work. You know, I’m, I’m good there. I know what I’m doing. I know the information flow. Um, I’m obviously not afraid, you know, to, to work with a workforce that may or may not be willing to do this. [00:27:28] Aaron: And that’s kind of a key thing too, is that again, like. Even though that Doge is cleaning up, doge is cleaning up from like a financial point, right? They’re not looking at the, the ideological problems that like the federal workforce has, and they have it. And I’m saying that because I was there, I’ve watched the first administration get hamstrung by federal employees, by first line supervisors, by like a level that is just, it’s easy to kind of, you know, walk through the raindrops, if you will. [00:27:54] Aaron: And I’m not gonna lie, I, I just, I’m not worried about that. I don’t care about that. So that’s where the work’s [00:28:00] done. And that’s why I’m just saying like, I wanna be reinstated. I’m not seeking a promotion. I’m not seeking like political appointee type jobs. I’m not trying to do anything that’s beyond my, you know, capabilities, which I know I can do. [00:28:11] Aaron: And that’s why I’m saying like, yeah, reinstate me guys. This is a problem that I can solve. Um, I’m not saying child trafficking, but I’m saying like the intelligence portion of it, the understanding of where these kids are, who these sponsors are. The further expanse of the trafficking networks. Again, my background is, you know, Marine Corps, DOD intelligence. [00:28:29] Aaron: I know these operations, I know how to do these things and I know that the government can do them. Um, so that’s that part. But there’s other whistleblowers as well. Like I fully, fully support, you know, people like Tara Rodas. Um, she kept her job, but to me it’s like, yeah, good job keeping your job. Let’s put you in a place though where you can have more effects, I think. [00:28:50] Aaron: So I would love to see Tara go to HHS. There’s all the FBI whistleblowers, uh, from, you know, Kyle Serafin, Gerda Boyle, Steve Friend. Yeah, I think they should absolutely be [00:29:00] reinstated, um, or at least given a position where they can help out identifying like the rot that exists inside of the ideological personnel of these agencies. [00:29:09] Aaron: Um, I would, I would really, I would love it if they got that chance. Um, I did see secretary descent of Treasury. He actually gave, um, promotions to two IRS whistleblowers and a big part of it, which he even posted about saying is like, yeah, like the. The cultural force in these institutions. Like it’s a real thing. [00:29:28] Aaron: And I’m telling you like it really, really is. Um, that’s what that was. The second thing I blew the whistle on was, and that’s the thing about public on was, you know, the, the, the asylum workforce, which is being led by like open borders, leftists, they were writing, you know, they were like violating their own union laws. [00:29:47] Aaron: They were violating the hatch Act. They were doing all kind, all kinds of things, which is like. That’s not allowed. Like you can’t do that. [00:29:54] Justin: Yeah. [00:29:54] Aaron: Um, now obviously, you know, it looks like back in 2021 they could do [00:30:00] that because I blew the whistle Islam and then they were like, yeah, you’re getting fired, dude. [00:30:03] Aaron: Um, so, you know, long story short, it it, it brings in people that are serious. Um, and, and I think you just need to have, you know, you need to have elements of control and elements of, of, of proper effort at every single level of this thing, right? So you have the president. You have the cabinet, you’re gonna have the, the, the deputies and the, you know, although like those mid managers and everything between there, but then it all just goes down the workforce as well. [00:30:29] Aaron: If you don’t have people doing the job, the job won’t get done. And that’s what, what I harp on constantly. [00:30:35] Justin: So one of the things I guess by you speaking out, by talking about this and staying on this topic now, is that we can, we can. As folks just are online in whether you’re on, you know, X or Facebook or wherever you are, uh, and we will post this, this story, make sure that you share this with people. [00:30:55] Justin: Make sure that you, you ask, because the administration is, they [00:31:00] are paying attention. Um, and if this picks up steam, the more and more people talk about it, you can have good people that never should have been taken out. Of the system put back in and, and make that that impact. So we can ask the, those, those things to be done. [00:31:17] Justin: We should be asking for those things to be done. We’re gonna talk more about that in, in just a moment. But first, Aaron, let me ask you, ’cause people are listening to this and they’re, they’re hearing it and they, they know that it happens. They’re sure of it, uh, they understand it, uh, in maybe at a surface level. [00:31:33] Justin: How do we, um, maybe if we encounter this. In our personalized, how do we, I dunno, blow the whistle? Or how do we, you know, how do we recognize these signs of whether it’s labor trafficking, sex trafficking, whatever it is, these kids are being taken advantage of. I’m sure now more than ever, there’s a big, bright spotlight and the, the bad guys are probably trying to do everything they can to avoid it, but it’s still [00:32:00] happening. [00:32:00] Aaron: Yeah. Um, all right, so I can answer this and I can answer this probably without as much detail, because I’m not the smartest guy, you know, in, in the room on this subject, but I, I can help out here a little bit. So, um, and this is what General Flynn always talks about when he says, you know, local actions, national impact, right? [00:32:17] Aaron: This is a thing where it’s like you can make a difference in your sphere of influence, and this is, you know, whatever. So to do that, to understand trafficking science, to understand what those look like. Follow the smartest people for that. Right. Um, because the child trafficking economy is very, very vast. [00:32:32] Aaron: So, um, I’m smart when it comes to oncoming child program. I’m smart when it comes to that because I was in it and then I’ve met people. I, that’s just like, I’m smart there. But there’s more than just that population of kids being trafficked. You also have this large swath. Coming from, uh, throughout every state has a CPS or a, uh, A-D-C-F-S. [00:32:53] Aaron: There’s always different names for these things, but there is absolute trafficking happening there because you’re dealing with kids. So you’ll [00:33:00] have nefarious elements who, who can exploit kids in numerous ways. Um, and there’s a lot of smart people on that one. But I would say in, in this regard, exactly, like, I don’t know, you, you gotta learn how to network, I guess, and network appropriately. [00:33:15] Aaron: But these people are out there talking about it. Um, I’ve got friends of mine that they’re very, very passionate, obviously about child trafficking in the CPS landscape and the foster care landscape. Um, so as far as getting involved, that’s gonna be probably like your local law enforcement that’s gonna be talking to your, if you have, if you still have a local media talking about that. [00:33:34] Aaron: But, um, look up just trafficking organizations, anti-trafficking organizations, I mean, and look up people that are, that are there to influence that. But furthermore, on, on this, I know Amer, so I’ll name a few groups. America’s Future is one of ’em. Obviously not. Those are my friends. They’ve, you know, we’ve done, we do a lot together. [00:33:53] Aaron: I’m not like an official member with them, an official board member or anything. But, you know, we work together and, and they’re friends. Um, they do a [00:34:00] lot of state summits. They do a lot of like local action committees. They do a lot of things to kind of, to get people in these things. Um, Ali Hopper, Jared Sadowsky, they get into this pretty deep and they talk about not just CPS trafficking, but like, you know. [00:34:13] Aaron: When your kids are on video games or on Snapchat or on social media and how to avoid sex exploitation. La Hopper, I think’s doing one today on that. Um, there are, uh, other groups like shepherd’s watch, they do more recovery things. So there’s, there’s a lot of people out there, um, that, that have eyes on this, and that’s very expansive by the way, the, the child trafficking in that landscape, because again, we’re talking about kids, so. [00:34:38] Aaron: Um, wherever there are kids, you’re, that’s always gonna be a target, right? So we’ve seen that before. There was a church crisis in the eighties, in the nineties of, you know, of pedophiles that were raping these kids. We see it now in public schools and the big increase there. And then of course, social media. [00:34:53] Aaron: So there’s gonna be a lot of things that people can do. My take honestly though is, [00:35:00] um, it’s kind of what, two, two approaches. One, um, I’m very Machiavelli in some regards, so. Find success and repeat it, right? Find success and replicate it. You don’t always have to create a new wheel. Look for what’s worked, and if that works for you, go ahead and do it. [00:35:16] Aaron: And the second thing is, um, whatever you actually, whatever you’re good at or, or whatever you enjoy. So for me, um, I’m an analyst. I like to understand, you know, the, the complexities, the layers, the connections. Um, I like to understand, you know, things as systems. So. I, I usually look at, um, systemic problems and understand, like, you know, how, how a system actually works because, uh, you know, systems don’t change because you change a, a part, right? [00:35:43] Aaron: Um, an example of this, by the way, is like a, a car. If you change a car tire, well it’s still a car, but if you change the way the parts and relate, then you get systemic change. So I never looked things reactive. I always look at things like as aggressive and like, okay, how can we change that and how can we use it for, you know, whatever purposes. [00:35:58] Aaron: Um. [00:36:00] But if you’re really good at researching, be a researcher. If you’re really good at, you know, making connections with people, you’re very social, go do that because I’m not like that. I know I’m not a very, um, I’m not a social butterfly. I’m not antisocial, but it’s just, it’s just not my forte. It’s not what I’m good at. [00:36:14] Aaron: So yeah, I would say use your strengths and figure out whatever it is that you can do best and. Pray about it. You know, I’m obviously a Christian. That’s a big part of everything, obviously, is I would say like that whole package is again, um, look for success, replicate it. Uh, know what you’re good at and do it. [00:36:34] Aaron: And then pray on it. Pray on it. Pray on it, because, you know, that’s, that’s the only way I think, [00:36:39] Justin: you know. Aaron, let me, let me ask you this, ’cause. Every time I have these conversations, and it goes all the way back to 2020 and all the, the insanity, the craziness that was happening then, but I, I really started to see them more and more people. [00:36:51] Justin: The people who stood up, the whistleblowers, the people who were. You know, they had a lot to lose and yet they, they decided they were gonna stand up. [00:37:00] Um, there was always a faith component, there was always an element there where they just, there was something bigger. There was something much, uh, larger than that, and I think gave ’em the strength and a curse to do all those things. [00:37:11] Justin: So let’s talk about that for you as a whistleblower, but also in what we’re seeing, and this is a, is a problem that it is, um, how much of this is spiritual? [00:37:23] Aaron: Um, okay, so really quick. Um, and again, like I, I did not grow up as a, in a very Christian household. Like my dad was a Catholic. My mom was like my, we, we didn’t go to church. [00:37:33] Aaron: I had no idea what Easter was, you know what I mean? Like, it was just wasn’t part of my, my growing up child of the eighties. Go figure, right? Yeah. Um, and then, you know, call me a war veteran, go into Iraq three times, go into Afghanistan three times. I’m not gonna lie, I was an atheist. I became an atheist pretty, pretty much, I would say, hardcore by like 2010. [00:37:51] Aaron: I was just like, this stuff ain’t real. Whatever it was, 2020. And that’s when I kind of started going like, ’cause again, it’s like, okay, I see a lot of lies in the world [00:38:00] happening right now, and this is where it’s just like, I’m an analyst too, right? So it’s like, okay, I’m being lied to a lot. I already knew that. [00:38:06] Aaron: So I need to start figuring out like, what do I know? So I did the whole thing about like, you know, who am I? What am I? Where am I? Whatever. Right. When I’m going through that list, you know, it’s like, okay, I’m my father, I’m you, I’m American, I’m, you know, whatever. Right? And I hit, I’m an atheist. I was like, well, why is that? [00:38:24] Aaron: What does that mean? Mm-hmm. Like I can prove I’m a dad, I can prove I’m a brother. I can prove like all these things, but what, how am I an atheist? What? I just started ripping up my arguments apart and I was like, my arguments actually kind of suck. Like they’re actually really, really weak. Um, and you know, that was embarrassing as an analyst, right? [00:38:39] Aaron: So. I started reading more about just, you know, religions and understanding like, you know, what they really are. ’cause again, like I didn’t know what Christianity was and I go through this whole course of being like, okay, well I know that’s not real. I know that’s not real, that’s got too many hypocrisies. [00:38:55] Aaron: I’m going through Christianity. And I’m like, I’m starting to actually like, look [00:39:00] at it from a more philosophical approach. And I was just like, I, I cannot deduce this to being false. And that was like the beginning of my like. This is like mid to kind of like early, late summer, early autumn 2020. And this was my like, you know, okay, like, you know, I’m just kinda going through this things slowly and, but you know, then obviously the, I see all this child trafficking stuff happening and that’s when I started my disclosures and reporting. [00:39:23] Aaron: And by that point in time I was like, okay, I know God’s real. I believe it’s the Holy trinity. That’s, it’s all like, I’m kind of there. I’m kind of there. And then it wasn’t until, I believe it was the second time and I did that publicly. And then, um, I get back home from that. And then next Sunday I go to, um, Eastern, Eastern Orthodox Church, go to Vine liturgy. [00:39:42] Aaron: And I was just sitting there listening, you know, and I’m just kind of like foreign it all. ’cause I’m like, what’s going on? What are these prayers? I don’t quite know everything. And at the end, um, the priest, he gives a short sermon and he is just saying like, you know, it’s very important to listen to your heart as well. [00:39:57] Aaron: And it’s like, it just, it hit me like a ton of bricks, right. And I was [00:40:00] like. I never thought about that. Just like, wow. And then I got into it really hard, obviously became a catechumen. Um, and then eventually, you know, became baptized. My kids did as well, mated the whole thing. And I swear that’s the only thing that’s been able to like, sustain me going through this thing is, is falling back on. [00:40:20] Aaron: It’s, you know, it’s, it’s, it’s my faith. It’s understanding what works. It is just, it’s everything. Right? And so, yeah, for me it’s like that was the only part which. I, I, there’s no way I would’ve gotten here without, without that. I just, it, it’s, it’s just, it’s hard to put in words as you hear me kind of stuttering over this thing. [00:40:39] Aaron: Mm-hmm. Um, I reflect that on it a lot. My kids and I, we have deep conversations about this every now and then, but it’s, it’s kind of like the way I talked about it one time with, uh, with the group, which was. This is hard, right? Like some of these things are just horrible. They, and this is, you’re right by the way, most people for, it’s, for a lot of people, it’s too hard to [00:41:00] address and it’s like, I can understand that, but if you believe this is like a cross for you to carry, carry the cross because it’s the only way you’re ever gonna get through it. [00:41:09] Aaron: This is a thing where it’s like, it’s not just that, it’s like it’s the fuel for you as well, like. Because you’re gonna be, you know, being, you’re gonna be carried by the Lord. Mm-hmm. Um, and so that’s the way I see it. It’s, you know, I don’t know, it’s, I look back on it, I, I think about it a lot and I’m just, I sit there and think like, I’m so lucky. [00:41:27] Aaron: Like, I’m just, I’m so. Lucky. ’cause again, like I, I fully rejected God at one point in time, like deeply, very, very deeply for a long time. And then it was just like, whoa, that was wrong. Woo. Okay, I’m, I’m gonna course correct now. And then go from there. And it’s like, once I did that, all of a sudden I’m not saying like, you know, and now this gave me the, like, revelation of what’s happening, but, but something happened. [00:41:53] Aaron: And, and that part, it’s like I cannot explain that that’s, that’s beyond words because it’s beyond, you know, I. It’s beyond [00:42:00] my reality, basically. But you know, I know, I know Christ is there. I know he loves us. I ask him for, you know, for mercy and forgiveness, and I read the New Testament and I look at that as a, uh, I, there’s a lot of lessons in there that I think can be applied to, to what’s going on today. [00:42:17] Justin: Mm. It is powerful stuff. We wrestle not against flesh and blood. And I think, uh, that, that has never been more evident, um, particularly in, I think in subjects like this too. Uh, Aaron Stevenson, before we let you go, um, what can people do? What would you like ’em to do and, um, help kind of get the word out about this? [00:42:40] Aaron: Number one, pray. That’s, it’s like, and just got, just pray and like fear outs in your heart. Kind of go from there. That’s number one. Uh, number two, um, don’t counter signal because E even me, and I’m saying this like in the group chats I’m in and with the people I work with, I’m not gonna lie to you, I am kind of a pest. [00:42:59] Aaron: ’cause I [00:43:00] am, again, I have that marine sense of urgency. It’s like it’s gotta be now, now, now, now, now. Um, and I understand it’s like there’s also the process, there’s also the methodology. I know the administration’s doing things. Like again, things are happening and I can say that with confidence because, you know, for reasons, but it’s not everything’s public yet. [00:43:18] Aaron: Not everything’s available yet for everybody. So don’t counter signal it doesn’t do any good. Um, it also, it, it might detract people that could help from helping, right? So pray, don’t counter signal. Um, and honestly, um, what do [00:43:33] Justin: you, what do you mean by that? By counter signal? Just so people [00:43:35] Aaron: understand. So like, uh, not like opposing the administration, but kind of talking trash about it or being like, you know, yeah. [00:43:41] Aaron: Where are the, you know, missing kids. It’s like, dude, they’re working on it. Like, I, I can promise you has the working on it. And problem with that is, you know, like Mr. Holman, I know he is got a plan, Mr. Holman’s doing things, you know, what else Mr. Holman’s not doing? Mr. Home is not doing case analysis in every single subject because he doesn’t have time for that. [00:43:56] Aaron: That’s not his job. Right, right. So like there, there’s things there where it’s [00:44:00] like, guys, I promise you like things are happening. You know what I mean? When it comes to, and this is this, but this is part of it though, right? Child trafficking is also a very emotional thing for people that care about it. [00:44:09] Aaron: They care about it with all their heart. You know what I mean? Yeah. Um, and so you know why I. It. I never fault anybody that get upset about things. ’cause it’s like, yeah, you should, well that’s, it’s, it’s very logical to be upset about things, right? [00:44:21] Justin: Yeah. But [00:44:21] Aaron: being upset and being, you know, counter signal are two different things. [00:44:24] Justin: Mm-hmm. [00:44:25] Aaron: They are working on stuff that’s not me gaslighting. Um, I just don’t want it to be like, you know, like, just like talking trash and then like two weeks later something happens, or like the next month something happens, it’s like, as I promised you, like things are gonna happen. Right. It’s just, you know, will be perfect. [00:44:40] Aaron: No, and that’s what people are for as well. We’re there to go like, oh, we made a mistake. Correct. It. We can always adapt. And that’s another part of my methodology, which is, you know, for failing, we gotta adapt. [00:44:50] Justin: Mm-hmm. [00:44:50] Aaron: Um, so yeah, I pray, don’t counter signal. Like, I’m not saying like go out there and be cheerleader if you don’t want to, but don’t, you don’t need to talk trash if you can’t, like source it to something that’s exact.[00:45:00] [00:45:00] Aaron: And then lastly is support people like you guys because, um, did you ever see my cnn, my CNN interview or ABC’s interview abc? No. Yeah, because they don’t talk to me. So people like you, you know, like that’s important. And I’m not saying that like, you know, I’d go on there and be like, Hey, see you now. Please host me. [00:45:18] Aaron: I’m not saying that either. I’m just saying like, find trusted news sources, find people that are good. Um, you know, there’s people like you, people like, you know, Larry Logan, Maddie Rowley. We met on, on by, by chance. There was very good people on this that care about the issue, that care about other issues as well, because child trafficking, um. [00:45:37] Aaron: Yeah. Support people like you and your show, because that’s, that’s a major, major, um, and I think we all see the whole information more. It’s like, yeah, that goes deep, right? So find, find credible people and support them. [00:45:51] Justin: Yeah, absolutely. Aaron, where can people connect you with you? I know you’re on X, maybe a few other places, [00:45:58] Aaron: not just X [00:46:00] Um, uh, it’s DS Aaron. [00:46:01] Aaron: Uh, it’s my, it’s my handle. Um. I’m usually behind the scenes though. I don’t do a lot of, typically don’t do a lot of like major events or whatever else. I, again, I work in the mud. I’m good at doing things. You know, that’s not so much in the, in the public effort. Um, not that I dislike it, it’s just again, find what you’re good at and do it. [00:46:22] Aaron: I’m a big believer in that. Um, I would probably not be very good talking to Congress for example. You know, I just, a little course might swear and I, it’s just like that’s not the right venue for it. Get somebody there is more, you know. Statesman like whatever. But, um, but yeah, that’s my, that’s where I’m usually at. [00:46:36] Aaron: And that’s, that’s about it. [00:46:38] Justin: Aaron Stevenson, thank you for, uh, you know, for your courage. We appreciate you, uh, in all that you do and, and what you continue to do and, uh, praying for you that, uh, you’ll be able to get back in there as well. I think that, uh, you’re, you’re right. I, there are things happening. I know we want to see everything happen at once. [00:46:56] Justin: Um, and I know that’s, that’s just normal kind [00:47:00] of. Thought process, but there’s a lot happening behind the scenes and there’s a lot happening that we, we know about too, that we can see every day. There’s always something new. Uh, these things we, we wanna definitely make sure they stay up, uh, up top though for folks as well, so that they are, they continue to be, um, top of mind for, for all of us. [00:47:19] Justin: ’cause it’s important. We don’t ever want this stuff to be forgotten. It’s very easy to do that. And, um, it’s, it’s just a, it’s just a really tough conversation, a tough topic for a lot of people, and it’s sometimes easier just to, to pretend that it doesn’t exist or don’t think about it because it doesn’t impact you maybe directly. [00:47:40] Justin: Um, but I’m, I’m just grateful that you’ve had the courage to take this on and, uh, that, that, uh, confident that that’s, that’s your call. [00:47:49] Aaron: Um, thank you obviously, and for your listeners as well. I promise you all. I’m thankful. Um, the only thing I will say though is that I promise you it wasn’t courage. Um, I, I did what I did. [00:47:59] Aaron: [00:48:00] Honestly, it was out of like disgust. It was despair. I was desperate. But I, I promise you though, it wasn’t like, you know, like, like a chest out moment where I was like, you know, here I go. It, it was more just like, you know, like I, I’m in my last step. Like, I’ve called everybody. I’ve, I’ve tried this through the government, no one’s there. [00:48:16] Aaron: So that was more of like a, uh, it wasn’t courage, it was e courage. It was just. You know. Yeah. Desperation and, and disgust to be honest. [00:48:26] Justin: Well, that sounds accurate as well. Uh, unfortunately, as bad as, as what it is that we do know, uh, how bad things are, what we do know. There’s a lot that we don’t even know that, that we can’t even imagine. [00:48:38] Justin: Well, thank you. I appreciate taking the time, Aaron, and we’ll, uh, we’ll make sure we get this up in links to, uh, your ex account and others when we post it. Appreciate all you do and, and God bless. [00:48:49] Aaron: Thank you so much, sir. [00:48:49] [00:49:00] [00:49:35] [00:50:00] [00:51:00]
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