Faith, Family, & Freedom, it all seems to be under attack these days. That’s why covering the stories that we cover on a daily basis can be a bit tricky.
But despite cancel culture and the latest in big tech censorship, we’ll continue to talk about the things that matter most each and every day.
We’re not going away. And you help us do that.
Thank you for supporting free speech and conservative common sense principles.
Each time you buy a product or use a service from one of our sponsors, you support the cause and help me continue to answer the call!
Thank you & God bless,

The secret is out! I’m down 40 pounds in 40 days.. 39.4 to be exact. Find out how I did it and you can too! Go to HealthWithJustin.com or call Missy and the team at (269) 964-4044
Dave Galloway at Heartland Home Mortgage is more than a sponsor, he’s a friend. That’s why Lizzie and I trusted him to help us with our mortgage. See if he can save you thousands like he’s done for us. Call Dave and his team at 616-974-9105 or at HHMLending.com
Because we never know what’s coming our way, we all ought to be prepared. Go to PrepareWithJustin.com
Patriots are making the Switch!
What if we could start voting with our dollars too?
Now, you can spend your hard-earned money with family-owned businesses and “made in the USA” products that won’t send it on to woke political causes that don’t support our values.
Discover how you can join the revolution when you select Justin Barclay from the drop-down menu at PatriotSwitch.com

Lizzie and I are serious about making sure our kids grow up with a solid foundation. That’s why we bought our daughter, Ada Grace, the Tuttle Twins books. I have to admit that I’ve read them and learned quite a bit too!
I’ve dropped 96 pounds and kept it off with the help from the folks at The Good Feet Store. Don’t let foot pain stop you dead in your tracks. Stop in for a FREE fitting today. GoodFeet.com
At Pro-Tech, we’re not just taking care of your home or business — we’re taking care of the people around you that matter most. Family owned and operated since 2003, Pro-Tech Heating & Cooling continues to provide superior Grand Rapids HVAC services for homes and businesses in greater Grand Rapids and throughout West Michigan. ProTechGR.com
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